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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-02-14 - 4:08 p.m.

Valentines Day 2002

I�ve never really cared too much one way or another for Valentine�s Day. I�ve not really had any relationships where I could do something special anyways. But I do remember as kids we�d buy a box or two of valentines and trade them at school. There was a science to doing this. If you had a crush on a girl, you gave her one of the cooler valentines. If you wanted somebody to distance himself or herself from you, you gave them one of the lame valentines.

I think I tended to have superhero, robot, or Star Wars valentines. I tended to get valentines of animals or little kids. I�d not call those remotely cool, so at the time I was convinced the other kids basically wanted distance. I may have been reading too much into those cards.

Balloon Trap

After having a birthday on Christmas, Valentine�s Day has got to suck if you are one of those people who constantly needs to feel like you are worthless without a lover. Everybody goes through this, but some people get totally stuck in this state of mind. I don�t care about that as much, because I tend to get resentful if I�m hanging out with any one person too much. Largely because I tend to want to have a few hours everyday to simply process thoughts by myself.

So Stompy�s birthday (her 40th) was today. Naturally I trapped her office with the help of my co-workers. We bought 200 balloons and put them behind her desk. I also bought her the first Harry Potter book (nice series, read it). Since I was in charge of buying the balloons, she got purple and deep red. I�d was hoping for blue too, but February is a hard month to find non-red coloured things.

LISTENING TO: Hypnoskull ffwd>burnout!


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