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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-02-10 - 12:08 p.m.

Thrift Stores and Dungeons

The problem about living so far away from the Bay Area (where some of the better g/i clubs are) is that gasoline gets expensive fast. I actually remember when I was learning to drive when gas cost less than $1 / gallon (though this was in Houston Texas where the stuff is refined). Friday I went to Velocity, which is the new name and management for Sacto's club Sanctuary.

I liked the previous owner because she was nice, but her music tastes could be completely captured on one 2-disc compilation disc from Metropolis records. Nothing wrong with Metropolis, but it also tends to distribute soft EBM and synthpop. And yet, she actually told the DJs to not play any power noise or power EBM. One of them got in trouble for playing Suicide Commando!

The new manager / owner is pretty cool. He really doesn't care if people are on the floor or not. Instead he took over the place so his friends could hear fun music, drink, and hang out.

OK, that was the long way to say I had a fun time at Velocity. Added bonus 'cause there was no drama.

Thrift Stores

Any rivet / goth chick that is 160 lbs or less has no excuse in my opinion to not have a drop dead hot and unique wardrobe. Redwood and I ended up hitting a bunch of thrift stores, and fortunately I'm the same size as medium to large sized women. There are just so many great shirts made for women. And they fit me well. I ended up bringing home 3 gothy shirts and 1 rivet like one for under $10.


We also played this game called Mage Knight: Dungeons last night. Earlier in the week we ended up buying an entire case of booster packs, and split the case. It is hard to describe the fun in collecting the figures for this game, other than to say, imagine if somebody mixed baseball cards with army soldiers. There are tons of little fantasy soldiers, and Redwood and I like to trade them freely. Fortunately we have different ideas about what a cool army needs. He likes big ugly monsters, I like little skeletons or dog-rat things.

LISTENING TO: L'ame Immortelle Wenn der Letzte Schatten Fallt


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