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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-01-12 - 4:26 p.m.

Streaking in the Fog

This week Davis has been covered by the typically Valley Fog. The fog moves in shortly before dusk and stays until noon. Somedays it will stay all day long.

Last year Cricket and I would go for candle lit walks through UC Davis's co-op fields (the university allows the students to grow whatever in an unused corner of the campus). The domies (named because the co-op students live in dome shaped single unit homes/dorms) put all sorts of couches and chairs in what is a never ending garden. Though wet and cold in the winter, we had the fields to ourselves.

Bringing Back Memories

Basically these weeks' fog brought back many fond memories of Cricket and I do miss her. We are just friends and there was no relationship between us, but the truth is I've always felt very close to her.

Going back further the fog also brings back innocent jr. high memories. As a kid in Texas we'd get a similar fog between Thanksgiving and Valentines Day. I remember as kids we'd sneak outside at night, and cause all sorts of trouble. In December we'd steal outdoor Christmas lights and then go about breaking the big ass C-9 bulbs. They make a terrific POP when they shatter.

We also were bored enough that we'd strip down naked and hide along the side of the main roads waiting for a car to drive by. When a car would pass, we'd run out in front of it. Seems pretty stupid now, but at the time it seemed adventurous. Fun.

I once tried to get a girlfriend to streak, but she really didn't want to have any part of that. Oh well.

LISTENING TO: Aural Blasphemy Catharsis


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