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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-12-15 - 1:45 a.m.

Cough, Sniffle, Sniffle, Shiver

So I got the dreaded VNV flu-bug that hit tons of people in San Francisco. Well, chances are that I actually got this cold from Particle, who was sick right before the show.

I took today off from work again to sleep and rest. Last night was Return of the Jedi. Today was a Star Trek: Next Generation marathon. I feel a lot better right now, though I can tell it is too late for my body, as I'm having coughing fits.

I wanted to go to a club tonight or to a party with my play-group. But being sick, I didn't want to infect anybody.

If Particle was the person who gave this to me, I'm not super happy. Why? Because when he was sick I asked him two days in a row to take sick leave and stop hovering over my desk. I get peeved when sick co-workers come to the office when they have non-critical work.

Well, Particle could have had critical work, but I still remember him having the sniffles and standing close to me a few times. Not a big deal, but when I ask a sick person to stand back, I actually expect it.

Perhaps I'm strange, but when I'm sick I like to say, "Hey I'm sick, don't come near me." I'm surprised by the number of people who will chance a cold.

LISTENING TO: Depeche Mode Never Let Me Down Again single


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