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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-11-05 - 2:06 p.m.

Burning Engineers

Two years ago I was "voted" onto my floor's emergency response team. Basically we are the people who must stay behind to get out the injured people in case of a fire drill, bomb treat, or other major emergency. I like to say we are going to be the first people to burn.

Why did I get voted on the team? I'm single ... completely. When I die I don't even have as much as a pet spider to miss me.

Day of the Dead

For the day after Halloween I stayed in the Bay Area (it allows for more partying the night of Halloween). Apparently my building had a bomb threat and was evacuated. I missed it.

Big deal, right? Well, I'm the guy who is supposed to stand at the elevators and prevent foolish people from trying to use them in an emergency.

My first thought is that if somebody wants to use an elevator during a fire, let them. Darwin did nifty things to my head when I was in Jr. High.

Then it was explained to me that sometimes the firefighters actually use the elevators to transport out handicapped or injured people.

First Aid? Anyone?

Apparently they evacuation of my building (while I was absent) was a flop. Had the building been on fire, they would be lining up the bodies of a bunch of environmental engineers. :/ Naturally somebody had the wise idea to try again on Friday when I returned to work. It went fine, except for the part where I was trying to yell instructions to our floor warden. Apparently I'm not louder than our fire alarm. Go figure. :p

OK, so there is little doubt after this second try that I'll end up a fried formerly blue engineer body in the case of an emergency. But I'm still shaken up by the Antrax scare, the new threat on the Bay Bridge (which I cross most weekends while clubbing in San Francisco), and finally the WTC bombing.

My ex wrote that I'm like a little boy out trying to save the world. One of the reasons her words really hurt, is because there is some truth there. I'm not at all happy with the state of the world 2001. And yeah, I would love to change it.

Another Dead Knee

Saturday night while stomping and flirting (I flirt by just waving, I actually have a problem talking to women at clubs ... thankfully some women don't have the same issue) at Shrine, a friend of mine fell to the floor while dancing. I rushed over as she was screaming in pain. At first she tried to rip off her knee high boot, so I figured she had a leg cramp. But it was her knee. I sat there holding her leg, as she screamed for ice. About half a dozen people surround us and just watched me. She again screamed for ice. I looked at them all and asked somebody to "Please get her some ice". They just watched me as if I would cast some making healing spell on her wounded knee.

Nope. We both again asked for ice. Nothing. I was getting pissed now. Why the fuck would these people just stand there watching me. I then tried changing my request, "Could somebody please hold her leg, while I run to the bar, get some ice, and then find somebody who can actually help her?" I think I must have yelled this, because about 5 people ran to the bar to get ice ... yeah, when backed into a corner I can be a true dickhead.

The outcome is, I would have loved to save that little part of the world. If I had some sort of evil twin, he could have gotten the ice, while the other me could have comforted my friend. Seriously, maybe it is time to consider taking some first aid. This isn't the first time something like this has happened and I find myself surrounded by a bunch of people who just watch me try and help somebody.

It really bothers me that nobody else responded so quickly.

LISTENING TO: Feindflug's Sterbehilfe EP


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