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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-11-01 - 10:41 a.m.

Ghost on the Loose

Halloween 2001 was a very mixed bag. I went home early from work, hoping to hand candy out to kids. Why? When I was a kid I loved trick-or-treating, and naturally I believe it is my turn to pass out the goods. Not a single showed up.

In fact it made me sad see all the effort myself and my neighbors went to in decorating ... I can blame the parents, but it is just a sad world we live in where people are afraid to trust others.

One Foot Eyeballs

... and still I couldn't see. Lashes was escorting me around this club South of Market Street in San Francisco that was having a Halloween celebration, because Blinky Ghost just couldn't see squat. *thump* "Oh excuse me." *crash* "Whooops, did see that table with drinks there." *Eeeiiiieeee* "I'm sorry, I didn't know that was your breast." ;)

Yeah, I probably accidently groped one quarter of the people there. Blinky Ghost had huge one foot cartoon eyeballs, and huge 2 feet long cartoon hands. I love to dance, and costume or not, I was going to dance rivet style.

Unfortunately when I'd twirl around, sometimes people would either move and put their ass or breast or face right wear my gloved hand would end up, or they'd just outright grab my ghost hand and cart me off somewhere. Yes.

I took the costume off several times, but a few people recognized me even with it on. Not because they could see me. But rather apparently there is only one person in San Francisco with an extreme love of: (1) dancing, (2) all things blue, and (3) ghosts. Basically I'd wave, and my friends who had no idea about the costume would just fall to the floor giggling.

A couple of women wanted their pictures with me. Another group grabbed my sheet at one time and started screaming, "Look, I now own the blue ghost. He is mine!"

Good Costume for Shy Submissives

Blinky Ghost actually was a blast. I really don't know what to talk to people about at clubs. I can hold a decent conversation on anything from music to social topics. But I don't know shit about alcohol or drugs (and sex, well it is just something I do). Lots of people at clubs unfortunately seem to talk a lot about other clubs, the drugs floating around, and sex pops in.

Now Blinky Ghost was sort of an exercise in trust. Lashes effectively had a blind boi following her, and she was wonderful about telling me where to step. At the door I just handed the bouncer my ID (actually Lashes did), and he thought about how to prove I was an over 21 blue ghost. He started to look up my sheet when the guys behind us in line screamed, "Kinky the Ghost!" Embarassed he just let me in as is.


You want to sneak in a 21 and up club on Halloween. Make a Blinky Ghost costume.

It was nice to not have to talk, but just wave to people. And dancing with big cartoon hands ROCKED. I was surprised that I could still rivet-dance. According to several people I was taking up my normal amount of floor space (which is a lot) and I was spinning circles around most people.

Next Year's Costume?

Halloween is over. Though I had no trick-or-treaters. Though I had a better time last year with Cricket and BunnyStomp. The Blinky Ghost costume turned around this year's Halloween. It helped that most everybody at the club last night knew what a PacMan ghost looks like and loved my costume.

I want to be something that hides my face. I actually am going to admit that I like being cute and evil things at the same time too. Blinky eats pac-MEN. He eats people. How cool is that?

Ideas for next year? If you have them, please leave them on my notes page or guest book. PLEASE. I want to know who is reading my diary. 8)


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