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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-10-31 - 1:34 p.m.

Halloween Morning 2001

Blinky Lives!

OK, I went ahead and cut up my best pair of blue and black strippedies. Everybody knows that Burtonesque phantoms have stripped arms and / or legs. I spent all last night, and part of last weekend looking for blue and black strippedies, but only found just about every other color known to mankind. But cool ghosts need arms that aren't flesh like looking.

This morning I woke up, set out the candy bowl, tossed on my West Point cadet pants (gee I'm wearing military gear at work and nobody even noticed ... grrrrr), then grabbed my work candy and costume before running off to pick up Bronco, who is dressed as Miney Mouse.

We then drove to pick up Redwood, who seemed to have three legs today, and went to work. While walking from the parking gargage to the office building (5 blocks), we passed only one other person dressed up for Halloween. I'm sorry, but downtown business people are so mundane! :p

At least they appreciated the three of us done up. By this time I had doned Blinky Ghost ... couldn't see worth shit, but unfortunately no cars took advantage of this wonderful opportunity to make me a permanent ghost.

In the office people have been dropping in all morning and afternoon to check up the gothic kids. *yawn* I appreciate the people who dress up, but very few of my co-workers (computer modelers mind you) actually remember Blinky Ghost. It is like my childhood all over again.

::sigh:: I guess I really do live in my own little blue world and rarely do I meet people whom understand what is just so cool about blue ghosts that eat people. This is why I tend to date goths and rivet girls, they at least don't blink when they find out that goofy little spooky cartoon creatures cheer me up. :) (Though there are plenty of other open minded people out there, so don't make the mistake that I don't love this people to death as well.)

That Song Stuck In My Head

Don't you hate it when you're at work, minding your business, but for some reason everybody else is playing some sort of twisted version of smear the queer, but instead of tossing me a ball, people come and just want to talk to me. Feh, I hate talking to people when I don't connect with them. I just feel like I can't be myself around them. It is more than being able to have deep and meaningful conversations, but also about being able to feel that I can speak my mind without being judged. But I really don't understand why people always want to talk to me. I'm really not that interesting.

So I spent about 45 minutes trying to listen to :Wumpscut:'s Wreath of Barbs, but people just talk to me when I have headphones and think I'm listening. Finally I pulled out the CD, put on more lipstick (yeah, I'm wearing black lipstick at work today), and then put in the Dust of Basement's new release. It worked, they left me alone. Funny that.

LISTENING TO: The Dust of Basement's Come With Me ...

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