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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-10-22 - 10:30 a.m.


For a few months I've been listing the primary CD that I've been spinning at home or work.

TODAY: Depeche Mode's Enjoy the Silence Single

Last night I was pretty upset. I still am. Enough of that ...

So to pass the time I ended up deciding that it is long past time to redo the HTML for my personal music archive. Instead of having a long list, I've decided I will sort my music collection by artist.

Music Is Important

I would love to talk about how I arrange my CD collection. The most spiritual thing I can think of is to invite one person to my house, light some candles, put on some of my favorite music, agree to not talk, but just lie down for the duration of the CD.

In junior high school I started playing the violin and I continued through high school. It is a shame that I never had enough money to really buy tapes much less CDs as a kid. :( Most of my friends had allowances, and though I did, it was modest.

I bought my first CD in 1994. The Church's Priest = Aura. I didn't even own a CD player, but I asked Bane to copy it on tape for me and told him he could keep the CD. He didn't want it, so it just sat on my desk as is.

Months later I bought my first and only CD player -- a Sony Discman. To date it is wired into an old boombox and that is my stereo system.

It is funny that I finally have graduated and have a real job. For the first time in my life I could afford a nice stereo, but somehow I like spending my money on music and not the sound system.

I guess I've not addressed why music is important, but how it is. ::shrug::

OK, I believe that the lyrics in most music is less important than the ensemble ... the entire piece. Plenty of artists can remix or play covers of songs, and sometimes they are worse, othertimes better. I actually don't mind buying CD singles and listening to many versions of the same song.

Even on a crappy system, I can find different things in the same song. Isn't it interesting that the exact same lyrics can be changed so much by the rest of the music?

So when I put a note of what I'm listening to at the bottom of my diary, it means something to me. What I'm listening to really does give me an idea of what I was feeling. And it is so hard with words alone to paint a picture of what a human is feeling. Feelings go beyond words, and intermingle with music.


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One Soul