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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
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Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-09-28 - 8:20 p.m.

Boys Don't Shave

Why is it that in American society that women will shave their legs and genetials for men, but men rarely do this for women? Why is it that women who want their male lovers to be clean shaven will still date guys who demand that they shave but wouldn't dream of bringing that razor down from their face to their crotch?

Bring that razor lower!

Perhaps it is my interest in equality, but I would like to see more women demanding that if their boyfriends are going to ask them or even suggest what they should wear, that they'll turn the tables more and more. I actually understand that shaving your legs, underarms, and even your pubes is really nice feeling. The best solo sex (that would be my word for masturbation) I've had has been minutes after I've removed all my hair except for my eyebrows and head hair.

When I talk to guys whom have never shaved their balls, they are shocked that I do. What they find very surprising is when I explain that my face is harder to shave than any other part of my body! OK, I use a nice razor. Not an electric razor.

Yes, I am aware that females typically grow less body hair, so shaving becomes a bear of a task for more men than women. That is probably part of what the reasoning is. But I still would like to see the exception to this rule broken more often.

Why the interest in body hair?

Well, it comes back to the larger issue of equality. I don't like it when I see people (typically women) not asserting themselves. I also bugs me when people tell you that they will do anything to please you.

Why? Why would you literally do anything to please another person? I like to see my friends happy, but I just would feel a bit odd saying that I'd kill for them.

It is so strange, but both my friends only relationships and my friends with benefits relationships, equality is a big part of making me comfortable. I don't want girls to go down on me if I'm not ready to go down on them.

This all got turned on its side recently as I've noticed that Crimson is so much more into me than I'm into her. I honestly want things to slow down. As she talked more and more about sex, I've discovered that is it special to her in a way that it isn't to me. For me it is about the fun ... not the expression of love.

Expressions of Love

It is going to sound strange, but expressions of love for me range from just rubbing noses with somebody for something like 20 minutes to being able to fall asleep in their lap. I also appreciate things like people driving hours to see me or sending me crazy home made gifts. These are things that come from the heart.

Fucking somebody (to me) is not something that comes from the heart. It is purely a physical act ... and while it truely is something I'm best at when I'm with somebody who is not trying to control me or playing some twisted game with my emotions (like a lover would be sensitive about), I don't like talking about expressions of love while having sex. I guess I like to focus on the physical.

And no, I've not actually had intercourse with Crimson. I'm afraid that love making is so special to her, that it is something I don't want to violate. Besides, I think foreplay is a hell of a lot more interesting than fucking (based on what little fucking I've done).


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