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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-08-22 - 5:16 p.m.

Jay and Silent Bob Preview

So last week Redwood got 2 free passes to the pre-release screening of the new Kevin Smith movie. Originally we had hoped that he could take a girl whom he is starting to talk to while at the clubs out to the movie, but the pass was a first come, first seated thing, so he didn't want a first date to have to deal with that. Instead he asked me if I'd join him on his night off.

It sucks right now. Redwood is in class two nights a week, then he spends the weekends with Kat. Oh, I've spent most of these weekends down in the Bay Area, but I get to see him less and less. Soon he won't even have weekends free.

The Kevin Smith Flick

I've only seen his Clerks. I've always felt Clerks was a mostly mainstream movie trying to be indy, but it did have small production values and at the same time it told its humble story without getting too fancy. I guess I rate it as an OK film, but nothing that I want to watch more than once every 10 years or so (sounds bad, but I don't like many films).

This new film centers on his Jay and Silent Bob characters, but it really seemed more like it was 1.5 hours of 5th grade humour: sex, farts, sex, drugs, sex, and farts. :) Actually it is really about just goofing off and poked fun at many of his other previous movies. In fact, you didn't have to see things like Mall Rats or Chasing Amy to know that Kevin Smith does have a pretty healthy sense of humour about himself. So he made a movie about that. I laughed. Pretty damn hard at times. I'd say it kinda rubbed me the same way that Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure did years ago. Yay for stoners!

Moving to the Bay Area

Well, I have some bad news: they are not going to make that new modeling position for me in the Bay Area. I'm stuck in Sacto. :( Though I like my job and like many of the people up here, my home is the Bay Area. It is where I spent half of graduate school and I'm more comfortable there. This just sucks. Big time.

Positive side: I have my professional license and a resume in hand. Negative side: I've looked for environmental engineering jobs in the Bay Area. Don't let anybody tell you they exist, because many of them are all about circumventing environmental laws. They aren't really environmental engineers in the good sense. They are people who design pipes and like to pave over things. :(

I really don't want to totally sell out, but to live in the Bay Area you can't be a freaky engineer type. If I could program, I'd do what so many of the folks in the Bay Area do. Work half the year, party the other half. It sounds good, but I also know that I like knowing that I won't have to move once a year or collect unemployement.

Last Weekend

I said that there was more nudity that I'd talk about ... well I ended up skinny dipping a third time on Saturday. My brother was home so I asked him, but he didn't mind. There is something so free about swimming nude. I sleep that way, why not swim that way too. Hell, I've started exercising that way at home too. But that is because I do some quick exercises late at night (which is about the only time I have).

My sister and father did bug me this weekend. They were kinda rude to me, and it got worse on Sunday. My dad had some pretty mean things to say about my new hair cut ... but I expect that from somebody who has had the same haircut for the past 50 years. What I don't like it how they treat me. If I had my own place in the Bay Area, they'd see me less often.

In fact, when I went out on Saturday a number of people commented on how they haven't seen me in a long time. That is because I hate staying at my folks place. I don't have a room and Saturday night I had to sleep on the floor. This lead to a massive headache the next day.

My place in Davis is nice, it just is so sad that it is so far away. Every now and then friends will visit, but I just wish I was closer. Hell, I'm going to miss the Snog concert tomorrow night, because my money is running low and I don't want to drive there and back.


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