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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-07-08 - 4:01 p.m.

As Good As It Gets?

Today Shells and I watched As Good As It Gets. Personally Jack Nickelson (sp?) is one of my favorite actors. So I was curious to see this film. When Shells suggested a movie, it only took me about 3 films to find something she wanted to watch. (I apparently now have a confirmed bad taste in movies ... I just think my tastes are unique to me.)

It is an interesting film, but fortunatley has no plot for me to spoil, so I will do that.

WARNING: If you don't like spoilers, please don't read the rest of today's entry. Don't worry, I don't have anything fun to talk about besides the film and relationship things.

At several points during the film, it became clear that Helen Hunt's character was looking for some Prince Charming. The first guy she dated was pretty plastic. Hey if people want to date others so they can carry them around as thropies or as safety nets, fine. But that is not me.

Jack's character had a serious OCD, which is something I can relate too. Thankfully I'm no where near as compulsive as his character was, but I actually was a afraid I could be a bit bitter like his character was. More appropriately, I feel like I've become a bit bitter. Oh, I don't entirely fault myself. And seeing other people act like assholes really helps to ground me. I guess I just respond well to, "Hell, I don't ever want to do what he/she is doing!"

But Helen Hunt's character put up with a hell of a lot from him at the begining of the movie. Later she was obviously in love with him, but I felt was pretty damn bitchy too. As she got to know him more, she just took more and more of her frustrations out on him.

I don't like that. In fact, it really bugs me when somebody really craps out on you, and I felt like she was being less than understanding. Why? Over the course of the film his character did tone down a lot of his obsessive compulsive habits. It was noticable.

What bothered me was how her character didn't take note of any of the progress and just kept pushing him more and more.

Baby Steps

There is a lot to be said for baby steps. No relationship (lovers or as friends) is going to be perfect. I know I tire of people fairly quickly. And yet, basically I watched a relationship movie where there were not that many baby steps.

What does this mean to me? Good stuff actually. I've been working on being more assertive. And I've been working on basically ignoring people that I feel have been rude to me. Basically when you don't like how somebody is treating you, why let it bother you? Yes, when you care about somebody it is hard to ignore what they've done, but you have to carefully look back at that.

The hardest part of this is to not let it off center you. Still seek to have a fun time with other people.

A Birthday Party

So I took Shells along to a birthday party last night. I'm really stoked that she got along so well with everybody there. I had people asking me where I found her (which isn't true, she found me, no mistake about that) and commenting how cool she is. Some of them mentioned I should drag her along more.

Now while I appreciate that and recognize what this really means, namely that everybody was comfortable with her and I can go out with her more often and not have to worry about her "not being able to talk to people", I just wanted to say that when last night before we went and she said she was sitting on the fence, I really didn't feel any need to pressure her. It wasn't like I needed her there. She is fun to be around, but I never was really on a date with somebody at one of these parties before!

Being on a date is a weird thing actually. Oh, we both knew we'd wander around. Yet she seemed a bit more comfy when I was around and introducing her. I apologized to her for introducing her to so many new people! :)

I never realized I knew so many people (granted most of them I only talk to at clubs, and even then it is limited).

So next week she'll be planning a trip to a strip club. That will be fun. But I honestly hope only a small group of people go.


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