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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-07-05 - 2:33 p.m.

South Bay Spooky House

San Jose is the home of the Winchester Mystery House. I'm convinced they call it a mystery house instead of a haunted house, because it isn't haunted. I know, I checked a few years ago.

Bane and I went down there (back when San Jose seemed far away ... funny isn't it how as you get older and a car with a CD player that you are willing to drive down to the Bay Area everyweekend) with the hopes of finding some ghosts. Though I suspect Bane was only playing up hunting for ghosts to please me and to have fun, I really was sorely depressed that the place was boring. The most interesting thing there was the mail order Russian woman who was half avoiding her husband / boyfriend. It was just funny to see her sizing the pants of every guy there except her "honey".

Listening To: Soil & Eclipse's "Rejoice".

Anyway, when I think of haunted houses, the Winchester house certainly is large and could fit. But it had non-spooky palm trees (or things that looked like them) outside. It was not a place I'd walk by any time of year and think, "Ah now this is October!"

Is this important? Hell yes. Last week when I went on my evening walk with Bronco and Cloud I challenged them to point to the house I wanted to own while we passed. We take the same path each night (not my fault, I've tried to lead them astray ... I have a better time walking fluffy white dogs and letting their girls think that the dog is walking me) so I knew we'd pass my favorite house.

Sure enough when it was in sight, Bronco said, "That one is it." So I asked her why she thought that one. "Easy, it looks like a haunted house." Keep in mind that every Halloween I help decorate the outsides of both Bronco and Cloud's apartment at the same time I do mine. Bronco and Cloud appreicate my love for that one day of the year (see I really only have one special night a year ... that isn't much).

4th of July

The holiday of fireworks. Rah. As a child I hated loud sudden noises. I remember more than one fireworks show where I threw a tantrum and had to be taken back to the car. That sad task fell to my mom, whom ironically likes the 4th of July more than any other Holiday. This is one way we are polar opposites.

I like it when it is dark, musty, and well ... when the trees look prickely and the like. It is all about spooky trees, bats flying outside, and ghosts or shadows that stalk you from the darkness. Why I feel comfortable in this environment I don't know?

Yes, it is terribly clique, but I seriously get a warm fuzzy from the 1950s American-Halloween Experience. Wait til you hear what I'm going to be for Halloween. Actually one of my first free style prose pieces in elementry school was about a ghost in a haunted house. My mom kept the story, in part because my spelling was so terrible that it rated as cute. Also in part because she knew how important things like that were to me. Imagine a 5 year old child talking about nothing but ghosts. Bad ghosts and good ghosts (there are both kinds).

So for the 4th of July Bats invited me down to his and Halo's house -- the soon to be famous "South Bay Spooky House"! :) Spring was kind enough to drive me from S.F. And damn, if that isn't the best designed house there is!

Surprising Decorator

OK, there are 4 goths who live in the house: Bats, Halo, Halo's boi QM, and then Insomnia (she never sleeps). Halo and Insomnia both dress ever so ... well these girls know how to dress. You just want to hug them both and never let go. So one would assume that these two cute girls were in charge of decorating the place.

Sorry Bats, Star Wars boys have no sense of style when it comes to making a home look cool. They tend to think everything should look like the inside of the Millennium Falcon.

The surprise is that QM was the guy who decorated most of the house. And damnit, I've never seen anybody who has made a more inviting and yet obviously gothic house! I don't know what he does for a living, but fuck, the boy needs to get out and become an interior designer!

The irony is his dress is much harder edged. Not exactly rivet, definetly more like an old school gear head. Apparently I was right though. I suspected that for Halo to hang with QM that there was a lot more to him than what I've seen or read about. Now I'm curious about him. :)

Anyway, it was a blast hanging with Halo and Bats. I just feel really relaxed around them both.


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