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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-07-01 - 11:05 a.m.

Night at House of Vodoo

Friday night I picked up Alexandra, we grabbed dinner, made some truely mischievous plans, and then went to a monthly goth club: House of Vodoo. It has been around for some time, but I've just never actually gone to it before.

I'm so glad I went, I had one of my best club nights in a long time.

First interesting observation: I was a puppy by the standards of most folks there. Seriously, I'm almost clocking in at 30 trips around the sun and I was no where near close to being a geri-goth.

Second: Laid back atmospheres are more condusive to picking up conversations. OK, other clubs have this too, but nobody cared who was who, what you looked like, or what you knew or did. It was more like a party. I actually think that the rivet crowd wasn't there helped this. Oh, I'm more rivet than goth (actually I apparently am a rivet who sometimes dresses goth or femme, and certainly dances more goth than rivet ... er something like that). Anyway, some of the rivet crowd is nice, but another group just is unapproachable or very quiet. While the perky goths that make up most of the HoV crowd ... well, they run around and start all sorts of trouble. *grin*

After the club we all went to the Denny's down the street and I ate with some people I didn't know and others I did know, but whom I rarely see. :) One girl (a total hottie too, on the dancefloor and off) turned out to be Halo and Bat's roomie!

Conversation went like this:

Me: "Hey you should go to Ain't Dead Yet next month. It really is fun and a lot like House of Voodo."

Her: "I would, but I don't have a car."

Me: "Do you know Halo and Bats? They like to go to Ain't Dead Yet, and maybe you can get a ride from them."

Her: "Know them? I live in the South Bay Spooky House."

Me: "No you don't. I'm talking about Halo as in Halo and Bats as in B.Bats. They just moved into their Spooky House and live there with Halo's boi (ok, so it is on and off, but he is Halo's boi)."

Her: [laughing] "Yes, that Halo and that Bats. I live in the South Bay Spooky House."

Me: "OK, there must be two South Bay Spooky Houses. 'cause Bats told me who he is living with a few weeks ago. It was Halo, her boi, and him."

Her: [laughing harder] "There is a fourth bedroom. You are mixed up."

Me: "NOooooo! That's impossible! I'll never join you!" [jumping into bottomless pit]

Whooops, forget that last sentence ... I just thought that one, I actually didn't say that. What I really did was blush a hell of a lot, then apologize, and then ask if I could decorate their house for Halloween! :)

South Bay Spooky House

Come on, how cool is it to have some of the coolest goth kids all living in a home together? Imagine the parties that can be put on down there! Imagine the SW:RPG games (HINT HINT HINT). It is funny that everybody is calling the house that, and based on what I was told it looks like, I so want to go down there.

Time with Alexandra

After eating, Alexandra and I went back to her place and talked until 6 AM when we both just clonked out. I like talking with her, and she had something to say about me that really I felt was one of the best compliaments I've ever had (and a big pick me up).

It went along the lines that in the two years that she has known me apparently something about me has changed. I've gained more self confidence and I'm much more open to other people. She said I used to look like I was physically turning inward ... my shoulders would hang low and I would look down. I just apparently look different.

The odd thing is I was and still am a bit depressed. But after a while you just get tired of depression. You find that whatever it is that is bothering you, just is so not worth it, and you walk away. Hanging with Alexandra and the support she is giving me (mostly in the form of encouragement to find a place in Berkeley if I get that second job) really has put things into perspective.

Alexandra and I ended up going to Telegraph and hanging out most of Saturday. That woman knows so many people. Three times people screamed her name and started talking to her for 5-15 minutes. All cool and open minded people to. The girl belongs in Berkeley, and in a sense I do to. (In fact last night I was talking with one of her best friends and she and several other East Bay goth / rivets are excited that I'm now looking for a job in the area. I hope that if I get down in the East Bay that I'll be able to work to organize people and rebuild the East Bay gothic community. There are so many friendly goths in the East Bay and they all seem to get along.)


Interesting side note. This week I started private emailing a girl whom I met last Saturday. At the time she was wearing shells for a top. ;)

I figured while I was on the subject of talking about positive things, I'd bring up how nice it was to be flirting in email this week. We'll see how things go offline.


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