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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-12-30 - 22:10:07

Last night I went with Cricket, her boi CyberSmurf, Grover, her boy Latex, and Redwood to Sacto's Club Sanctuary.

It is a goth club. Though I think Sacto is about 6 months behind SF in music and fashion. When I first really started going to Sanctuary people were much more swirly and wouldn't dance to most industrial music. Now more folks do.

At one point during the night, DJ VSX played Funker Vogt's Gunman. It could have been one of the remixes, I know he likes these.

So naturally as part of my duty as a rivet kid, I had to go out and stomp. Redwood and this guy JR both were stomping too, but JR can't count a beat. He was hitting the floor about 1/3 of the time on 1 & 3. Rookie. :p

Latex loved it and was also stomping when he realized I was pounding, though to be honest I couldn't have sustained it nearly as long if Redwood wasn't there. Redwood _can_ stomp. Damn, can he stomp !!$*(@! ;)

Now Cricket spent most of the night in the arms of CyberSmurf. I didn't get to talk to him much, which sucks ... but it is what I expected too. I also figured I'd let the two of them be together.

The owner of the club asked me "Was that you who was doing the Scottish tap dance?" WTF??!??

OK, then I realized. Sacto kids are a different flavour of goth. They aren't Shrine kids. I explained to her that rivet kids MUST stomp to anything Funker Vogt. It is the RivetKidWarDance (tm). Genetics maybe.

Then it dawned on her, "Oh yes, I've seen you kids do that at Shrine." :) I was afraid while doing it that the security was going to toss me out. She hates thumpy music, but fortunately her son is in an industrial band in LA, Pulse Legion. So he can explain it to her (as the LA rivets stomp too).

I think I may be somewhat hard of hearing. I can easily understand Grover, as she speaks clearly, but I couldn't understand CyberSmurf or Latex. Sometimes I ask my other friends to repeat themselves. But even with an accent (actually it is very mild) Grover was interpetting for me. I also speak deadly fast, again Grover was interpetting for me. It was funny.

We all danced and had a great time. Impartive Reaction is coming up to perform around Feb. 10, so naturally I'll go to that concert! "Scorpio" is their club hit. I don't have anything else by them, but I still want to go.

Redwood gave me his Christmas gifts. :) Thanks! He found some Star Wars cards that are incredibly hard to find! Wooot! So I'll teach him how to play the game, maybe not for a week or two though. And he gave me a DVD. Also needed, so I'll watch that next week. I wonder if he has seen it yet.

And I owe him some money for my latest CD / shirt order. I got yet another VNV t-shirt and the new Diary of Dreams CD. It is very good, but Resurrection by Birmingham 6 still overshadows it.

I'm glad that Spring called. I was a bit sad she didn't over Christmas. I really haven't seen her for only about 10 days ... maybe more. But I am sad because tomorrow at NYE we'll both be having to talk to all our friends, so we won't get any alone time. But her phone call yesterday and today both remind me something ... she __is__ very serious about a long term relationship and a stable one. Everything she worries about with her family, Wingtip's family, and then mine really help me. And she mentioned the possibility of next Christmas. It is a year away so I was caught off guard, but she really does see me as somebody special and different.

I would be hanging with her today, but I promised my family that I'd be here today and tomorrow. It sounds bad, but I also know this will be about the only Jan. 2001 time they get with me, so I'm here.

My brother and I and his girlfriend will sit and play games likely. I really wish Spring could be here and just be lazy with me too. Not anything but just hanging out.

Well, I've got to fix my brothers PC (maybe today), my father's DVD player (a must for tonight), and then organize the family train web page among other things.


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