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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-12-19 - 14:08:14

Yesterday was FANTASTIC. For all the right reasons too.

It started with Redwood and me going to some random Tex-Mex resteraunt here in town. Lunch was good. Wow, pleasing a Texas kid that your Tex-Mex is in fact Tex-Mex means either it is good, or I've gone native. Probably both, and both are good by me. (No Menudo at this place, I asked as I'm always on the look out for a certain fish and bad soup loving girl.) :p

When I came back I was thinking again about Spring's final project. What struck me was how she wrote so little, but said so much. I don't remember the exact words, but I do remember two things really hitting me. One was "... I risk so much". She does.

On Saturday we both watched "Dirty Dancing". I never watched that film before, but the message was clear, don't ask others to push the levels of social and family values, if you aren't going there too. And she has been working very hard getting her family and friends to accept me (doing a good job of it too).

Anyway, as luck would have it, she phoned me at work right when I figured this out. She knew I wanted a reason to drive down to the Bay Area to see the Haujobb / din_fiv / Velvet Acid Christ concert. Tickets were still available, the weather was great, my health fine, work light, and me a big EBM fan. Naturally I was a bit indecissive, but so happy to go.

By the time I got off work I found out Spring was rear ended while shopping. :( I hope she is OK. She seemed good, but still I want her to take it easy for a day or two.

Instead of meeting her at the show I picked her up. We followed her "Parking Theory" and damnit, it works everytime, I'll go ahead and declare myself able to park in SOMA now. :)

The concert was sold out. Did that bug me? No. Spring would have loved Haujobb, but the others ... nah. I wasn't looking forward too much to VAC, but it would have been fun.

Instead she took me to Mel's Dinner. Yummy Onion thing, and mmmmm orange sherbert shake. :9 I've been bugging her for months to go to Mel's, so we did. I like it there, the service was fast.

After that, we went to Trader Sam's. This is a small neighborhood bar that Wingtip took Spring too, and it is nice, even if it is a yuppie hole. Apparently they call Spring's "Kick In the Ass" as a Haiwian Sunset. I'm sorry, but after the "Nyquil" drink I just can't do anything that is 3/4 alcohol. Trader Sam's rocks if you like STRONG drinks. I watched the bar tender make both my Sunset and Spring's Deep Purple. Fuck, the drinks were mostly alcohol!

So at Spring's urging I asked the girl next to us what she was drinking. It was yellow and milky looking. An Orange Freeze. Yummy! Let it be said that when you are a lesbian, find a woman your age and size, and drink what she is drinking. If she has had several and is not barfing, you'll be safe. :)

Anyway, I had a __better__ time hanging with Spring than I would have had at the concert! We talked ... dood, and we smoked again. I am beginning to like cigarettes. This is dangerous, as I am an addictive personality, and Spring pointed out about oral fixations ... this coming from a boy who always has a pen in his mouth.

I will never smoke alone. I just can't go down that road. If I limit my smoking companions to just a few people who aren't chain smokers I'll be OK. My sister never smelled bad, and was very casual, so like Spring suggested I'll talk to her more. And Spring pointed out that it will help us bond more too. Funny that ... but I really want them to meet.


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