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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-12-05 - 17:46:50

OK, I just returned from a "brown bag" lunch seminar by a UC Davis Doctoral student. It studying tidal flow in San Pablo Bay. The presentation rocked, UC Davis's water program really is one of the best there is in the nation. The PhD students are consistantly world class. I always feel pretty stupid next to them, but I can at least follow them.

Sometimes I wish I had gone on to get my PhD in water economics. About 1/5 of the people I hang out with are PhDs. I can connect with them. I can talk with them. I don't know why, but I don't seem different around them. Not like I feel different around people without PhDs. I guess this is the way it is supposed to be. :)

Music on my PC right now: Bowie. I'm sorry, but Bowie is hot and ROCKS. I'm certainly not gay, but Bowie is different.

So last night I rushed home from work straight to the bank. I barely made it before it closed and turned in my paycheck. I need the money. :/ Ouch. I just am too generous with my money, I'll need to work on this more. I have been getting better.

I also turned in some nude film of me to the photo shop. I warned them, and the girl there said "just nudes, nothing else" is OK. Good thing Spring didn't get a shot with me and the butt plug. Well, I really wanted that.

Anyway, when I got back Cricket offered to cook me dinner, so I ran to the grocery store to buy desert and salad and bread. That was easy.

We had tortellini (sp?), a wonderful salad with carrots (yummy) and tomatoes, and some of her friend's homemade chocolates. We then watched the widescreen Babylon 5 and later the made for TV version of Dune, followed by finishing Record of Lodos War. Mix this all with 7 beers between to lightweights.

Whooops. ;) I ended up spending the night on Cricket's floor and just waking up early to drive home to change into a high collared shirt (so I can hide Spring's birthday hickey) and shower. In the other order of course.

Anyway, it was great hanging with Cricket. I'm getting jealous and possesive about my time with her. She has been a good friend, and I'm going to miss her when she moves to Holland in two and a half weeks. :(

For some reason we can be silly, sleepy, talkative, or just whatever. We seem to share enough interests that things just always go so well. It helps that I've always known that she'd eventually be moving, because I've not tried to become attached in any serious way. This is good and bad, but it is there.

Well, I've got more writting to do. I also sold some old action figures for $36 bucks. :) Whooot! If I can go through my old stuff, I am considering selling off more of my childhood.

I don't know what I'll replace it with ... but I don't like having stuff.


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One Soul