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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-12-04 - 14:41:08

OK, I still haven't talked about my trip to Western PA.

Perhaps I'll do that tonight or tomorrow night, but right now that can wait. As I want to capture the moment of a very nice birthday. Everything just seemed to fit in and click nicely when I was very afraid it wouldn't.

First, I woke 7:34 AM to what I thought (and still do) was an Earthquake. I already wrote what I did at 5 AM that morning. ;)

I waited til noon to phone Spring, and did. I asked her to make the long drive from her place to Davis, and she did. We ended up going to Murder Burger for dinner, swinging by Wally's to get a blender, grabbed two movies, and then went to my place.

We watched: David Lynch's "The Lost Highway", a true brain fuck of a movie. I recommend it, but don't want to watch it a second time. This is normal, I don't like rewatching anything that isn't SciFi or Comedy too soon after seeing. The second was John Water's "Hairspray". Also recommended! Riki Lake was cute in that film, which is funny, I consider her unattractive these days. Funny that.

Some HUGE big things I did this weekend. The butt plug was the first. Next Spring got me drunk: 1 Cranberry Margareta (sp?)_, 3 Mirodi Sours (Spring makes kill Mirodis), and 1/2 of a Kick in the Ass. I was so drunk, I nearly passed out. I was afraid I was going to vomit, and I didn't want to ruin what was turning out to be a perfect birthday.

I got to spend it with somebody I love and in the comfort of my own home.

*blushing* So while drunk (and still a bit frustrated about sex) I asked Spring if I could masterbate in front of her. I honestly didn't think I could, since months ago she asked me to do this and I couldn't perform. :( It is so hard to do this. I don't even get hard for many women ... at Bound it is just so hard (no pun intended).

Anyway, I did it. Twice in one night!

I've never been able to do this on purpose before. I didn't think I could.

So we went to sleep and didn't wake until around 11 AM or so. That next morning I breast fucked Spring. We've tried this time and time again. It never worked, but on Dec. 3 it totally did. I was slow, and tired. But right when she gave up and did it (although silently). I think it is bad for me to talk while in the process.

Anyway, I'm extremely happy. I've never done this before either and I thought there was something either wrong with me or how I felt around Spring. Naturally I'd like to do this more.

It sounds silly, but this is a huge step for me. Something I wouldn't have thought I could do on my own.


Spring bought me two wonderful gifts: "Treasure" by the Cocteau Twins (which I'm listening to now), and "Eon:Eon" by Project Pitchfork. I love both albums.

There are and always will be things about me she doesn't understand, but she does understand my musical tastes. She knows what I like and don't like. I think she is really beginning to understand me.

She also took pictures of me next to my fireplace. I lit most of my candles and a fire for her. It was romantic, even if my romance was limited. It was comfy and stuff too.

During the pictures she said, "Now get naked." This makes me so horny when she says it. :) Naturally I did, and now need to develop the pictures. I'm sure they will turn out wonderful, she is a great photographer.

So we visited the noodle place Sunday for lunch ... I was stuffed. And then we took a long nap. I thought it would be just the two of us resting ... no playing around. She surprised me after our nap by offering me "1 hour of switching". So I cuffed a naked Spring up to my suspension bar and excited her with a chain through her clit and playing with a small maglite and later my 5-cell maglite!

My GOD! There is no way I thought the maglite would fit in her! :) Wet lube rocks. Spring I swear has done this before. Basically I just held stuff for her.

It was sad that she had to go, because it was a big experience for her too. She nearly passed out.

But I liked being able to provide for her in a way.

After Spring left, I returned Cricket's call. We went to the Davis Cantina and had a few beers and snacks. We chatted. Cricket is the best for this. We can and do talk about everything. We talked a bit more about her boyfriend. I hope to meet him when I visit her in Europe.

I might feel a bit third wheel. We don't have that kind of relationship, but still. Well, I won't worry about that now.

We sat next to the Christmas tree. Cricket and I can relate in our midwestern roots, and that we are about the same age. We are, we really are.

I'm 29 now. Funny sounding.

So when we left, Davis was shrouded in a thick Western PA like fog. It was cool. Well, temperature as well as spooky like.

What couldn't be better than two goths walking the streets of a small town at 9 PM shrouded by the cover of a thick fog.

How about Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. I challenged Cricket to guess my flavour, she got it on the first guess. Next time I'll pick something different ... hmmm, I have a plan. ;)

Anyway, we went outside in the cold fog, 'cause it was fun. Ate ice cream. Then we went back to her place and grabbed a candle & candle stick, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad and walked out into this fog covered garden in what is "Domey People Land". Um, I'd have to show you to believe this, but basically think of hippie gardens. Hippies have some of the best gardens, even if they have dumb ass rosters that croak when they see two goths and a candle.

We went and talked and cat napped under a huge tree. It was so wet outside that water was condensing under the warmth of the trees and its surface and dripping on the two of us.

Wow, what a great weekend! :)

First Spring came all the way out to see me, I did something __3__ times in one day that I was seriously afraid I could never physically do, great gifts, fun movies, soon to be cool photos, once drunk, almost a buzz a second time, and then did something so terribly cliche goth that ... well, everybody should do it.

In fact, I want to spend more time with Cricket before she leaves. Just like last night!


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One Soul