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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-10-23 - 21:32:32

Hmmm, this will have to be a two parter, my bus leaves soon.

Letme see.

This weekend I experienced HANGOVER. OK, I didn't know it was a hangover until Sunday night when my first round of medication wore off.

I was wondering why I just wanted to sit around and do nothing, but Cricket told me when I hit the second round of asprin that I did have a headache from drinking "A Kick In the Ass" drinks.

This weekend was supposed to be about me studying for my PE Exam (Engineers you goofs). I got zero studying down and this may cost me another of the exams. I hope not.

People who aren't engineers or lawyers or doctors can't easily understand the pressure one single day of testing over everything is. OK, PhD students can, I image that is worse, but still.

I've been having problems sleeping and normally I'd clean stuff and go on walks this time of year.

So Friday Cricket wanted to go clubbing. She has had bad luck and I really enjoy spending time with her. It is more than attraction, I can talk to her about anything and she always seems to understand. I also like just listening, even though she knows so many people it makes my head spin.

Anyway, we got a you-bake-it pizza. She also indulged my obsessive nature when I went around to several drug stores trying to find paper ghosts. They are the bestest paper ghosts I've ever seen. I need more.

So after pizza and Babylon 5 (damn this girl is incredible ... I'll not describe why, she already knows), we went to the local goth club: Sanctuary. Somebody I didn't know had died in his sleep. The owner was making a big deal (rightfully so) about it, but I didn't know what to say ... I never met the guy.

Cricket was introing me to her friends ... they are all nice. I like the club up here. Funny thing is hearing all these people in Bay Area clubs complain about music, their wishes are all played up here. The sad thing is I like the EBM of the Bay Area to the tired old songs up here so much more. Music is good everywhere, but I like the faster pace and exposure I get in SF.

I have to run. Bye-bye.


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One Soul