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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-10-09 - 21:26:53

So I should have been studying today ... somehow I'm still not in the best frame of mind. Maybe I'll use ShortRound's lame excuse for everything, "I'm having a kid."


The good news is it rained today, which means maybe I should just take it as a sign for new things to come. I've got a car to sell.

Interesting email I got today. A friend from a Star Wars newsgroup emailed me. I've not talked to her in maybe close to a year except when she was trying once to get people together out here.

She once flew out to visit her sisters in San Jose and she drove up to my folks house where we spent some time together. She took me up to Mt. Diablo ... or me taking her up here.

This was two years ago. We discovered the tarancula (sp?) migration. :)

It is one of the coolest things there is. Anyway, she told me that people on this old Star Wars newsgroup were talking about me. It is nice to know that I've made an impression on people. Some of them it was a positive impression.

To another close friend her words describing me were:

Thoughtful, interesting ideas, bittersweet.

She was a pen pal and the girl who took me to my first goth club. Other friends introed me to the music before and after this, but we talked a lot via email.

I don't know what to think of her words, but I also keep in mind that her comments and the others were based on what they knew of me while I was in graduate school. I'm incredibly different now.

Now about those creepy spiders, I so much want to spend more time with Cricket and take her hiking on Mt. Diablo to see the spiders. She'll love them! :)

So before my previous post this is how my [then wonderful] weekend went:

Friday night I chatted with my boss about my blue hair ... there is trouble brewing on that front with one particular principle engineer. I screwed up the model I was running (already talked about that), so I stayed late. But when I got home Cricket called, and it was nice to vent to her.

So after my class, I'm so going to fail the seismic exam, I was supposed to run home make 1 phone call, take a nap and then pick up Cricket. The class was late, so I went straight to the ATM machine, quickly to pick up one CD at Hot Topic (hush!) and then waited for Cricket.

I was there with 20 minutes to spare, so I started looking for places for fetish shoots.

I found some wonderfully concealed railroad switching platforms / signals. ::sigh:: I wish I had my own camera and a clone, and I'd just take the photos. And I don't feel comfy asking Redwood to take them. Anyway I made some plans for the future.

Cricket hoped out of the train along with a guy dressed in all black and wearing a sword. It figures! :) She is funny that way, she attracts lots of people.

So we went to a yummy Korean resteraunt and shared a bimbimbo veggie bowl with some chicken mixed in. It was a nice place.

We tried to look for ice cream ... the perfect way to finish a fun meal. Instead we got a bit lost in downtown Walnut Creek and headed straight to my folks place. It was late and we needed to get to Shrine of Lilith, so we changed, played with the cats (they like Cricket), and went to the club.

MopeyPuppy was playing. His set rocked! Cricket and I were both bouncing. I haven't danced since the last Bound, 4 weeks ago. OK, I danced some at the VNV show, but still it isn't the same.

Damn, a few guys hit on Cricket ... what can I say, she is drop dead gorgeous.

There was this goddess of a rivet chick who was dancing with the crowd but kept going up to MopeyPuppy while he was DJing.

It turned out that she is a guest DJ.

Boots! :) Her boots rocked. And her over coat, YUMMMY! And her pants and make-up were incredible. She had a racoon mask, which is something I've not seen in a long time ... wait, I can't remember seeing it before.

*swoon* OK, so it was a lust thing, but she was a dancer, knew her music, and later ...

I made a request. I shyly went up thinking Josh was at the booth, but she was there, so I went ahead and asked how she felt about Assembleage 23 (not a boi band!) :p She said she loved them ... *dizzy* So she asked me what I wanted to hear, I stuttered like a little boy and so she offered "How about Skyquake?" :) I was then thinking, take me home, take me home ... because I love that song. I put it on somebody's mix CD, either Spring or Cricket (so far they are the only two people I've made mixes for other than myself).

Then FO came back and her set ended early. :( I like his sets too, but I wanted to hear more.

Now here is the cool part. People at Shrine are lame about stomping. They either do it to swirly songs (points for effort, but still it just only pisses off some people, like the ubergoth swirlies) or they are off beat (which happens with fat chicks step on you ... been there, done that).

Now this DJ (from LA I find out later) started to lead the group dancing in stomping. And she was loud!

*sigh* Dancer, Stomper, Excellent and Diverse taste in music, dressed up, friendly ... damnit, I should have talked more to her. There need to be more rivetchick DJs.

OK, I like non-rivet girls too, but this girl made me incredibly curious.

After Shrine Cricket came back to my folks place. We had our normal tea to make us sleepy and then we both crashed (in separate bedrooms).

Sunday I tried to take her to see the spiders, but they apparently don't migrate until around sunset. So instead we went to Fenton's ice cream and then a sex shop in Peidmont. Both were great treats. :) Um, I'll talk about what I bought later. It wasn't supposed to be for only me, but I guess it will be now. :/


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One Soul