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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-09-12 - 16:03:16

Lunch Break. Redwood and I went to the Potbelly deli. The girls making the sandwiches there asked both of us about our hair. "Why did you do that?"

I have blue hair. It is fun. Lots of people seem to have positive comments about my hair, so I'll be blue for a long time. Except when my bosses ask me to change it to blonde. Yes this will fry my hair, but it doesn't serve many other purposes. I don't want to do this, but I need a job *and* it is very important to me that people in professional positions like mine push the level of social acceptance.

I am finding for most people it really seems to be a converstation started and generally makes me more open to them. Or rather them to me.

Interestingly, Sacramento locals are much more receptive than people in the Bay Area. Funny, but I'm really begining to like the general atmosphere in the Bay Area less. People are snobby and mean. Even the nice folks are selfish, "I will only live in San Francisco." It kinda comes off as "Oh, you live in the dumps. I feel sorry for you, oh well."

I say this, but at the same time I still want to move to Berkeley. Cricket used to live there, but I wanted to move there long before her. I love the East Bay, it has a historical significance and is fairly open minded ... and it is close to most everything.

Oh so my dreams ...


I had two last night.

The first one I think I know what I was telling myself. I don't feel like I have control or rather that I've become useless and underappreciated, as if people are trying to discard me.

So I was in this large crowd of people, with a few monsters (think big furry muppets) and then a couple of dinosaurs and aliens ... maybe a robot or two. OK, so the "leader" person is speaking to us all about a problem with the clones. Apparently society wants new and better clones, so the old ones need to stop eating our food and wasting our time. The leader then points to a screen with names of people in the crowd who are clones.

He reads them one by one.

It works like this, society makes clones for its purposes, or so he said. But old clones aren't as good as new ones. Clones don't always know they are clones. Some, the assembly line ones do know. But the others don't.

Anyway, he eventually says, "Michael is one of the Fry Series of clones." :(

Apparently my job was to take little lizards and genetically manipulate them to create dinosaurs. My team had created at least one T-Rex, it was there. And I remember having cages filled with lizards to make more.

He explained that dinousaurs were a hazard to society and we had enough. So there wasn't any more need for any of the specialized Fry clones that did dino manipulation.

Everybody looked at me and my shirt turned red. So I ran. I had no idea I was a clone, but it somehow made sense, because I saw things others couldn't and I have always felt odd around people.

So the rest of the dream I was running away from an angry mob that wanted to terminate me. I ran through a maze that looked like a school without a ceiling. Just sky above ... and it was different colours in different rooms, but all natural sky patterns. Sometimes the rooms were outside, sometimes they were inside. And there would be junk I could hide behind.

It seemed like hours I was on the run ... I believe I woke up at some point as I remember seeing my clock saying 3 something AM.

I'll talk about the other dream tonight.


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One Soul