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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2004-04-21 - 8:52 a.m.

MP3 Player Blues

When you buy external memory for your player, you should be able to load a few songs per chip and never have to worry about them again. I bought my player in Jan. 2002, and it has been constant trouble ever since. It runs through batteries quickly, and it seems to zap its internal memory as well as the cards that I have in it every few weeks.

I spend more time reloading music onto the memory than listening to it. It has gotten so bad, that I gave up the idea of having set mixes planned out how I would like to hear the songs, but instead I have preordered programs on my computer where I just upload the files in alphabetical order. This means that Desire by Infact will always be played before Doors and Windows by Monstrum Spesis.

True, different programs on different disks, but I'm still having to upload the same songs because my MP3 player zaps information.

I'd like to buy another MP3 player, because I use them when I jog. Last night was no different. It is just that I have to spend more prep time before I hit the pavement. When I don't go out jogging I feel like a slug. I just get all gooy.

Of course, latest I've had a minor pain in my side that I seem to get after jogging. I could be doing something wrong, but chances are that a few weeks ago that I may have pulled or strained a muscle. In the world of pain, it is probably only a 4. But even that is enough to give me reason to not jog every other night, but instead target every third night.

Perhaps I need to still walk on nights 2 and 3. I could stand to cut off a few pounds, and frankly I enjoy taking long walks. Besides, I think dieting is stupid. I'd much rather enjoy an active lifestyle and eating grass. I like it when street doggies come up and want to smell / talk to me. I like waving at the neighbors. And the reason is probably simple: I used to go on walks with my grandfather all the time. I miss him, but as long as I can go on these walks, he is traveling there with me.


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