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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-11-24 - 1:29 p.m.

If the World Could See Through My Eyes

Sometimes I get a bit frustrated that people don't see things the way I do. It can be a gift and a curse. I'm not bogged down with the types of things that stop normal mortals, but other things are like time traps. I see them, I puzzle over them, I let all else stop.

Friday I was asked to basically run 4 complete studies, document them (which will result in a 40 to 70 page report), and hand off some regressions to another engineer by Dec. 8. Well fuck them!

It takes about 3 days to complete a single study and another 3 to document it. 6x4 = 24 work days (minus a bit of overlap, but not much). They gave me a whopping 7. And they didn't give a damn that in 7 of those working days I am going to be out (on business) one of those days and working on other projects that reserved my time months ago. Fuck them!

Of course, I started my work on Friday, and I'm a bit ahead of schedule as I've stolen a computer from a co-worker. He is away, and what he doesn't know, won't hurt him.

Standing Out

So while at Alexandria's party on Saturday a guy came up to me and said, "Hey, were you at Game 2 of the Western Division Series?" We had been talking about World War II computer games earlier that night, so I just assumed he was talking some silly gamer thing and immediate said, "Nah, I don't go to those."

When he said, "Are you sure? Because I saw a guy who looked a hell of a lot like you wearing a Wumpscut hat at the A's playoff."

"Oh, that Division Series! Why yes, that had to be me. I'm probably the only guy in Northern California who is wearing a Wumpscut hat on a regular basis. Section 117, great seats, better series."

Anyway, take it as a given that I'm actually easy to spot in a crowd. Even a crowd in Oakland California, where most people wear silver and black.

n.p. dead can dance :: toward the within


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