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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-11-19 - 4:04 p.m.

A Safe Sex Wake Up Call

On a whim, I decided to give blood in today's office blood drive. I had the time to spare (which is rare), and figured that since I'm in good health and have a somewhat rare blood type that I should donate.

I was aware that if you've had a tattoo or do drugs that you can't donate blood. This makes sense. But I didn't think about the fact that whom I fuck matters so much. Actually I knew this, I just forgot.

Everything was going good until they asked me if I'd had sex with anybody who has used illegal drugs and needles. The point of donating blood is to help people, but I'm now in a moderate to high risk group because I've fucked a woman who told me that she did drugs for years. I know that some of what she was on was Ecstasy, but I had no idea what else she was experimenting with. There was something else, as I do remember her mentioning it.

I didn't think to ask her at the time, and that is all it takes for me to be bumped. I can't donate blood until I just find the time to ask her. Though if she wasn't using needles, then the nurses told me I'm in the clear again.

But this got me thinking ... how many of the women I've been with, do I know if they've been using drugs any time in the recent past? I mean, the topic of safe sex often comes up. But drug use?

I guess I've got to talk about that too. Not only if I want to donate blood, but more importantly, the question wouldn't be there for the blood donation if this wasn't a risk factor. It is just a risk I've been taking without thinking about!

n.p. v/a :: trisol bible: chapter one


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