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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-11-02 - 8:24 p.m.

Injury In My Sleep

I'm pretty sure that I kick around in my sleep. Some of my girlfriends have told me that I move around a lot at night. You can also see it in my bed, based on the fact that my sheets always end up tattered on the floor. Basically if I want something like a made bed, I have to do it every night.

For years I would go to the trouble of really remaking my bed. It was a ritual, but a good one to be sure. I should set my alarm for a minute or two earlier each day and repeat the process.

With the colder weather (it all started on Halloween), jogging is so much easier. Last night I kicked ass while moving. Basically the heat makes me timid, while in the cold is it pretty obvious that the faster and further I go, the more body heat I generate. Good stuff.

But between pushing myself jogging, the cold, and thrashing about in my sleep, my groin has hurt like a mother fucker today. Ouch ouch ouch.

The simple fact is that my body is no longer cut out for cold climates. But the good news is that I can take heat like few others. I can't easily fall asleep in 90+ temps, but I don't get all worn out either. Hell, that is part of the problem.

But for now, I'll just play it easy. And please check out my previous entries to see my Halloween costume. I'm pretty proud of it!

n.p. this morn' omina :: 7 years of famine


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