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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-10-04 - 11:04 p.m.

Supra Busy

It is funny that when some of the most interesting / important things are going on in my life, I have little time to update.

So the denial of service attacks meant I had no email for several days and spent three evenings from 7 PM til midnight arguing with tech support people. The fourth person I talked to was actually pretty good. The others just lied to me or were idiots.

In any case, I need to find a new ISP.

So where was I?

First, I had a three day long trip to Northern California. It was a busy trip, but a tour of water related projects. Actually, it was a great trip. Though I fear I gained a few pounds, since they feed us snacks and beer and wine the entire three days.

Second, my brother had tickets to the first two A's playoff games, so I took two days off and watched the games. Yes, I like baseball. Sports are not evil, though it is Goth As Fuck (GAF) to whine about how they are. If you think sports are evil, stop reading my diary, because basically you are a closed minded person and nothing I've got to say will get through to you on anything else. If you don't care either way, EXCELLENT. Breed, the world needs more people who don't judge others based on what they like, but instead on who they are.

Third, I got my latest STD test. It is a benchmark, and a good idea. After having slept with a girl back in August and not using protection (very stupid on my part), I'm actually a bit more afraid that I normally would be. I trust her to a point, but when you fuck somebody you should trust them far more than that. Bad [Contour]. Bad bad [Contour].

If it matters, the sex was great. I wish I had it more often, but I'm still not interested in a relationship, and no matter what anybody says, relationships follow sex. They always do.

Fourth, I've decorated my place and office for Halloween. Yeah! October is my second favorite time of year (December is actually my first, but that is because I was born in the winter).

Finally, I'm still not sure if I'll be working jury duty next Tuesday or in the polls. Frankly I'd like to do both. (This is the subject of yet another post.)

Well, I'll have more for later.

n.p. blutengel :: angel dust


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