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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-09-08 - 4:39 p.m.

Pizza and Beer

This weekend my sister wanted to celebrate her birthday early so she could have pizza and beer with the family. At first I was a bit annoyed that she wanted to have dinner at 5 PM, as this meant I'd have to drive down to Walnut Creek starting around 3 PM. Traffic on the interstate has been getting progressively worse, causing me massive delays when trying to reach the Bay Area during daylight hours.

But the pizza and company was good.

I'm still a bit unsure of MG. She is nice and smart, but she also is young. Nearly ten years younger than me. This is a big issue with me, not because I care about age. But rather I do get concerned over life experience.

I don't ever want to feel as if I'm telling somebody else what to do, but she does tend to rush things. Sometimes I get this feeling that she fears that there won't be another day, and while I can understand the feeling (I once had it myself), I don't share this viewpoint and at times can come across extremely rude when saying that I want to take things slow and enjoy the moment.

She also seems to be much bigger into PDAs than I am. This coupled with the fact that she smokes like a chimney (I'm sorry, but people who smoke stink and should be forced to not smoke for a year and then make out with somebody else who does) also adds to my concerns. But she is smart, has a job, a sense of humour, has more endurance than any girl I've ever met before (she can out climb me while hiking), and is pretty open minded.

But I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to disappoint her, because frankly I'm much more interested in treating girls like giant pillows and having them treat me the same way. Call me strange, but cuddling does more for me than PDAs or even sex.

n.p. sophya :: dream


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