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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-08-23 - 10:52 a.m.

Fantastic Storm

It always seems that I have the most to write, when I have the least time to do so. I've known for a few weeks that I'm going to lose my window office. The state budget crisis means that we will be doubling up in offices, and being young that means I get bumped.

How do I feel about this? Well, this week was hell at work. I got yelled at once in public for refusing to do something I consider unethical (my supervisor supports my actions and that is all that counts) and I brought a stupid virus to work through my home account. I no longer have access to my home account at work.

My pain is just about gone finally, but work was hell.

However, every cloud has a silver lining. Mine came on Thursday afternoon. It is rare for California to get thunderstorms that would rival those I grew up with in Houston Texas. 2 PM Thursday proved me wrong. The sky turned completely black, and it poured. Not only was there amazing thunder and lightening, but knowing that I would not have a window again, I decided to jump up on my desk and lean against the wall and just watch the storm.

I figured the storm would only last 30 minutes or so. I was wrong. I continued through my bus ride home (at 6 PM). In fact, it continued all the way until 6 AM the next morning.

All night long I was counting the time between the lightening and thunder. Some of the crashes were nearly instantaneous. I didn't sleep at all, but still I felt so relaxed and rested. I miss thunder.


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