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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-07-24 - 4:33 p.m.

Police State

So political tensions are high everywhere across the nation right now. Yesterday a guy shot a New York city council member dead in NYC city hall. A Republican congressman tried to have police arrest several Democratic congressmen who left the House chambers to talk privately about his bill in a library, only later to break down in tears while apologizing for that (and he should have � the United States is quickly becoming a police state, and actions like that from a Californian are terrible). The President's office is getting busted for making up charges against Iraq and claiming the CIA told them the US was in danger. And finally, instead of stepping down, the California Governor has announced that he will now pass the budget.

On that last note, the budget was supposed to be passed before July 1. As a state employee, all air travel has been canceled, and when our next monthly pay check comes through, we may be paid only minimum wage. It should happen sooner, but the person in charge of changing all our pay rates, apparently has occupied her/himself for the next month and claims it can't be changed in time for the July pay check.

Good for him / her! It is about time somebody stood in the way of a government gone out of control, even if it means spending money that isn't there. I don't think I could enter a pay cut for my own salary either. But instead of stalling, I'd probably tell people to literally fuck off.

Anyway, with tensions rising, naturally people talk about this kind of thing. Today I got in an argument with a co-worker (nice guy really), who claims he is more liberal than the rest of us. But when he votes, he always does out of fear of Republicans. I'm sorry, but every single time we get into this argument it ends the same way. I give him a big "Hail Hitler", when I get through telling him that he is not liberal, but in fact a big part of the problem if he is always voting for conservative Democrats.

I don't believe he is a Nazi or anything. But I wish that people would just once, vote for whom and what they believe in, instead of voting out of fear. This is exactly why we need a recall. The last election had a corrupt weasel (Gray Davis) running against a Hitler youth (Bill Simon). Maybe if more people stopped voting against their worst fear we'd have a positive government. Instead Americans are becoming more and more polarized.

n.p. birmingham 6 :: assassinate


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