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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-05-14 - 5:41 p.m.


NOTE: 2/2.

I just wrote how busy I am, but right now there is a short reprieve. I just started a day-long simulation (16-years in model time) on a borrowed PC, and have but a few minutes before my bus comes by. I hate starting something if I'm going to be interrupted before it really starts. (Think of it as that point when fooling around is about to turn into something more only to be interrupted by a knock at the door or a telephone call: incredibly uncool.)

Anyway, I've been toying with the idea of making a diary side-project. But I don't know if I'd want to do it hear or elsewhere. The focus of the side-project would not be on me or my general feelings, but would be more of a music review. Over the past few months I bought my first copy of Side Line and Industrial Nation. They were pretty good. I found many of the interviews a bit strange, and some of the reviews were way too opinionated. But that is the beauty of a music review. They are supposed to be opinionated.

That is when I realized I should consider doing my own reviews. I have a pretty good music collection and for somebody who isn't a DJ, hasn't fucked a DJ, and frankly doesn't want to be a DJ (though if a cute rivet-chick DJ were to walk by, I wouldn�t resist tossing in with her).

But for the mean time, after being on a Hanzyl und Gretyl kick (yesterday's obsession), I was in the mood for other femme fronted industrial. If it wasn't for COP's Diva X Machina disks, getting your hands on femme industrial would be hard. There isn't much out there. And much of the femme industrial that is out there, could easily qualify more as electro or agro synthpop.

Anyway, a track that really stood out on the first Diva X Machina comp "Waiting For God"'s Revenge, led me to poking around the net to see whatever happened to WFG. The first references I found were interviews with Daemon, the lead singer, about her poor experiences with the co-founder. She talked about the bands break-up. It wasn't until a few web sites later that I found their actual page and read that the co-founder passed away Sep. 2001.

It is just a bit weird to be listening to a good song titled "Revenge" with lyrics that go

I would think twice as hard. And if it takes me standing over your grave to make me laugh I'll be waiting.

Only to then find out that one of the people behind that song is lying in a grave.


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