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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-04-28 - 5:34 p.m.

Comics / Stormtroopers / Star Ballz

So I went to the WonderCon comic convention in San Francisco on Saturday. I went once before in either 1997 or 1996 when it was held in Oakland. It is amazing, but ebay really has had a negative impact on all sorts of shows (comics, trains, you name it). Now that people can buy stuff year-round and have it shipped directly to them, why go out. Furthermore, as a dealer, why bother sitting around all day when you can just list stuff on ebay.

WonderCon was smaller than it has been in the past. But surprisingly it was still a blast.

My purpose in going was to find: (1) old cheap (preferably $0.10 comics), and (2) new cheap HeroClix figures. HeroClix is this game where you have plastic super villains battle it out with your plastic super heroes. Massive fun.

Anyway, sadly there were no ten cent comic bins. There were plenty of fifty cent comic bins, and I brought bag loads of old comics home to read for the next year. But the good news is that there was one guy who loaded me up on HeroClix figures. I'm pretty close to having a complete set. Is this important? Surprisingly yes. Not because I need one of every figure, but because having different figures means it is easier to make different teams when you play.

I wish I had brought a camera, because the local Star Wars fans looked amazingly cool too. There were snowtroopers, biker scouts, TIE pilots, and stormtroopers all over the place. Good costumes to boot! And the guy dressed as Vader was well over 6' tall! Amazing! Usually the guys who like to dress up as Vader are shorter than me. (For the record, I'm probably too short to be a stormtrooper, but I've got TIE pilot or biker scout written all over me.)

Also worth noting: the woman dressed as Black Widow filled out her PVC nicely. And I got a big kick out of the soft porn actress who was signing autographs of her nudie photos. Like any of the guys getting the photos care about your autography lady. **snork**

Though I didn't pick up her photos, I'm just as bad. On the way out I noticed a booth selling Star Ballz DVDs. Star Ballz is a totally low budget porn-anime film that is a parody of Star Wars. Anyway, what true Star Wars fan wouldn't at least be curious about the DVD, right? I'll admit to having a Princess Leia fetish. She was afterall, the first assertive female; and everybody knows chicks that romp around in trash compactors rock!

LISTENING TO: the Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring soundtrack


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