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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-03-12 - 10:20 a.m.

Darts and Firewalls

So my department put up a Firewall on Friday. What does this mean to YOU? Well, it means I can no longer send emails from my private account from work. I can still use my work account to send stuff out, but since I work for the government, my phone calls and emails are all recorded and scanned.


The government wants to know if I'm reading Daredevil #42 or planning a weekend to listen to subversive music. ::sigh::

Bottom line, I'll now have to email my friends (including those of you I owe emails to) in the evening. The problem is, when I get home, I like to jog, so naturally I don't always get around to responding quickly.

At the Pub

Redwood and I took JRV (my Spanish friend) out to Indian food and then to the local pub in Davis. It is a pub, not a bar. Why do I say this? First, the redneck quotient is low. Second, they have these cool dart boards.

I've never played Cricket (a dart game) before, but both Redwood and JRV know how to play. Now I want to play more. Our games last night, left such an impression on me, that I had nightmares that a guy from Houston Texas was trying to throw needles into Redwood and me. I also had a bunch of perv people from San Francisco chasing me around wanting me to kiss them. ACK! Cooties and Needles! What did I ever do to deserve that nightmare?

LISTENING TO: various songs by Catatonia


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One Soul