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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-02-04 - 9:51 a.m.

More on the Shuttle

I'm still troubled by the Columbia Tragedy. It is hard to think that some of the little things I'd normally rant about (music and cute girls) can compare.

For the past several days I've been watching CNN, but I'm still amazed at how curious I am about the Shuttle Program. Yesterday while talking with my boss I admitted that the Apollo program was really before my time. I don't have any fond memories of the space program until the test flights of Enterprise and later Columbia's first launch. It was amazing to watch her lift off for the first time.

My boss was questioning the need for humans to explore space. While I agree that collecting moon rocks never had the same focus on science that the Shuttle has, I found myself getting very defensive about the shuttle program. I hope that something similar to it continues. Hell, I'd happily pay even more taxes it make that happen.

Two things are certain. First, one day I'm going to die. I'd like to think that I have more to offer the human race than saying, "I went dancing every weekend for 20-years of my life." Second, one day the Earth is going to die. I'd like to think that before that happens that the human race will move to the stars and bring with it memories of where it came from. Frankly, I hope that something of me is brought off this Earth long after I die. Hell, I'd be flattered if this diary goes along. OK, not likely, but I can dream.

LISTENING TO: Absurd Minds Damn the Lie


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