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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-11-18 - 3:46 p.m.

I Clobber You

Actually I'm feeling a bit better today. Health wise the times when I'm in pain are fewer and fewer. I've been kicking things again, stomping, jumping. I'm guessing it will be only a few more months til I'm an annoying 5-year old again. In other words: invincible until bed time.

Saturday I went down and visited my family. My brother and I ended up playing the Marvel Hero Clix Clobberin Time. So what is this? Basically you build a team of supervillians (or in the case of some people ick heroes), and then move little toy supervillians across this map to clobber your enemies.

How can anybody hate not having the Thing yell, "Shut your trap Strecho, I�m sending you back to yur mudda!" The game is all �bout trash talking. 100%

Lazer Tag for Auction

I'll be putting more of my childhood up for auction on ebay. Based on the fact that I'm actually dreading eventually finding boxes to ship some of my old toys in, I guess I can't ever complain about not having enough stuff as a kid. The old find from this weekend was my old Lazer Tag gear.

In high school we used to spend Friday and Saturday nights playing Lazer Tag. There were a few groups of kids that had gear. At first my group of friends only had the pistols, but then we met some upper classmen and took the four of them on, versus the 8 or so of our pack. They kicked our asses. Not because we weren't super or more evil than them. Lazer Tag, like anything else warfare, always comes down to technology. The soldier with the better toys always wins. They had rifles and could hit us before we got in range of them. Our only kills were scored by ambushing them (and yes, I was notorious in those games for hiding in culverts, drainage ditches, or briar patches).

I miss running through a construction site and playing urban soldier. I miss hanging out with people who actually like to run around like wild beasts. I'll sell my gear, but now that I've at least pinned down some of that memory, I'll keep a bit of what made those nights special.

LISTENING TO: Kirlian Camera Still Air (Aria Immobile)


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