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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-11-01 - 2:12 p.m.

Why Women Can Be Useful

OK, so girls hate comic books. Know little about robots. When they stomp, they rarely make a sound. Trains are no different than cars to them. OK, these are terrible generalizations. Every now and then a rare girl that likes to destroy things, finds comics (including super hero books) fun, and would rather spend an evening playing chase than shopping is born, these girls are in high demand. This means I rarely get to spend time with them.

But women have uses too. First, like guys, many of them actually like breasts! **snicker** I've yet to meet a woman who isn't opened minded about nudity of other women. Some actually like it.

But the use I'm thinking is real important right NOW is this. Never ever paint your nails unless you know for a FACT that you�ve got nail polish remover.

I'll repeat this, as right now I'm sitting here at work with black nails and getting some pretty strange looks. Keep in mind I'm getting looks from people who had no problem with me dressed as the Grim Reaper and find it perfectly normal for me to start my sentences, "If I were a robot, ...".

So today's number one use for women: they not only include make-up removal chemicals, they probably can use it better than boys.

On that note: one of my pet peeves is: Boys in make-up. I like girls and boys in make-up. It looks nice, even when done kinda messy like (I do this). But the problem with most boys in make-up, is they start to act handicapped. Paint a guy's nails and he can't move his fingers anymore. If you don't know what I'm talking about, find a non-goth boy, paint his nails, then watch him. He'll suddenly hold his hands differently. I'm the same way, but hopefully to a lesser degree (but only because I don't mind chipping nail).

It actually has nothing to do with boys / girls, it is all about being comfortable with makeup and removing it. While I'm OK wearing it, I still need help removing it. Hmmm ... is that a bad reason to have a girlfriend? **ducking**

LISTENING TO: :Wumpscut: the Mesner Tracks

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