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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-08-30 - 5:44 p.m.

Things We Don�t Want You To Know �

Everybody has secrets. Some of mine:
when I go jogging, if my nose feels like I need to clean it out, I hold one nostril and blow hard
nude beaches, never been, but I want to � it would be fun
that drink you leave behind for me to watch, well the tummy is the best watching place around
those funny faces I make for people like you, that is actually my normal face
doors: you have to make sound effects when you open them
the second to last stair has sharks on it, I jump over it
my clothes, don�t stay on too long when I pass through my front door and I�m alone
yes, the toilet is the best place to read
after exercising a shower is that much longer that you have to stay awake
Playboy, it was never about the articles
I was once paid $50 to skip a ball off a pool table and into a woman�s ass
Big Tail: I believe cats live longer if you surprise them every now and then
there are more glow sticks in my freezer than food
I can out drool a dog while sleeping
I lick my French Fry�s to prevent others from stealing them they way I like to

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