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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-08-12 - 9:46 a.m.

Now this is Model Railroading

Saturday :: boring mostly. I ran errands. Wait, there were a few interesting things. First I mailed my old pair of Dehner motorcycle riding boots that I sold on ebay for over $300! (NOTE: I originally paid $400 for them, but quickly decided that I am really a jump boot kind of guy.) I also found a $200 pin striped double breasted suit that I may break down and buy.

I would complain about the 105+ F temperatures, but I know that a few of you would call me a wuss and leave nasty notes in my questbook. =P

Saturday night :: I stayed up and sat outside my folk�s house to watch the meteor shower. Unfortunately I really only saw one good �flaming orange�. What is a flaming orange? Simple, pretend somebody dipped an orange or a tennis ball in lighter fluid, then lit the ball shortly before throwing it from your front yard, over your house and over your neighbor�s backyard and house to land in their front yard. A good meteor will look like a flaming orange. I saw one of these, and damn are they ever worth it.

Sunday :: I had no real plans, but at my dad�s urging I ended up taking all of my family�s train track and laying it out around their swimming pool, which is over 160 ft in perimeter! I�ve never done this before, but it goes without say that I was concerned that the transformer used to power the track might not be able to handle such a large loop.

Although it was over 100+ F, I spent most of the day outside running 15-20 car trains. My entire family was pleased to see the trains out and running (my dad and brother quickly helped me once they found out what I was doing). When my brother was running the trains, I ran around the yard with my dad�s digital video camera, simply because year�s from now we may want to see the pictures of what was such a large lay out.

LISTENING TO: Pain Station Disjointed


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