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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-05-26 - 9:07 p.m.

My Monster!

Persephone is back visiting again. Short story, Redwood's sisters are at his folks, so he went to visit them. That means that Uncle Contour gets a second chance to convert her to the spaz side!

"Join me Persephone, and together we can bring chaos to the order of Redwood's life!"
"Redwood never told you what happened to your father."

Get your minds out of the gutter people! Anyway, since I'm feeling much stronger this week and since it is a 3-day weekend (and damnit � I was tempted to check out Synthcon �) I figured last night that I could survive a night with the allergy bag sleeping with me. So I left the door wide open and just assumed she'd snuggle in with me.

Nope! Apparently the cat hates shut doors and likes computer chairs more than warm beds. She came on my bed when I crashed for a minute, got bored and ran to the computer chair. Minutes later I noticed a strange red light on my desk and turned on my massive Mag-Lite only to see that the light was my ZIP drive glowing through a red Death Star toy I own and that Persephone was seated in my computer chair and very interested in the flashlight point on the ceiling!


I forgot the first law of being a cat. Chase light around at any cost.

So I slept last night, with no allergies and no cat noises and nobody touching my privates (which actually aren't in pain when sleeping � yes, I take care of myself again). Anyway, tonight I pulled out my laser pointer and decided that the cat needed a workout. My apartment has two entrances into the bathroom. One from the hallway and a second from the master bedroom (yes, I have a big ass apartment all to myself).

So naturally, I'm sitting here at my computer and running the laser light back and forth between the restroom and the hallway. From where I'm at I can see 75% of the path the light runs around in (circles), and poor Persephone has spent the past 2 hours running and running. Any time I give her a break, she slowly stalks my apartment in a circle looking for the stupid red dot.

Yes, I'm sure I'm going straight to Eugene when I die for doing this to her brain. But damnit, if I could only get people to run around in circles too! How dog like!

LISTENING TO: Lost Signal Catharsis

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