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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-11-25 - 8:59 p.m.

Long Lists Are Deceiving

OK, 5 days is a long time to thing and do things. I had plenty to do, plenty left undone, a bit of relaxation, more than enough stress � basically lots of things I�d like to write about. I�ll start with a short list:

  • Clubbed at Bondage A-Go-Go for the 1st time,
  • Went for a beer and desert with the German BDSM woman,
  • Watched Star Wars Episode 1 on DVD,
  • Thanksgiving Dinner with my family (good food),
  • Took my family to see Harry Potter (great film),
  • Dug out and read my old comic book collection,
  • Went thrift store shopping in the Haight with an old school punk girl, and
  • Took 3 of my electric trains to be repaired (one is working now).

That would be the basic list. At my folk�s place, people yell across the house to talk, but nobody is so good at listening to the replies to their questions. My father and sister are terrible about this. They mean well, but they end up asking me a question no matter where I�m going or what I�m doing.

�[Contour], where are you going?�
�Uh, to the bathroom.�
�Oh, then what?�
�I�ll tell you when I�m finished.�

Or if I happen to lace up my boots:

�[Contour] where are you going?�
�To the city to shop.�
�For what?�

OK, let me break for a minute. Why do people ask questions that they already know they don�t want to know the answer to? I go to the city to buy music. The rest of my family really could care less about most music, and they think what I listen to is odd (me being nice). Or sometimes I�m shopping for clothes or going to hang out with somebody new.

My sister will begin to ask me why I don�t have a girlfriend. The thought never crosses her mind that maybe I don�t want one. I certainly don�t want to look for one. I just like knowing that there are people whom I can hang out with and trust. And those are far behind. Besides, after what Spring did to me, I�m very cautious about getting into a relationship.

I�m glad I spent Thanksgiving with my family, but their questions are just too much for me. It is funny, but deep down inside I am a pretty anti-social person.

LISTENING TO: the Empire Strikes Back Soundtrack


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