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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-11-16 - 4:03 p.m.

Along Came a Spider

I've gotten back into the habit of taking late evening walks. I've found that they give me time to be alone. Sure, I live alone, and sometimes this is a good thing, other times it is basically a bit lonely (mostly because Bronco and Cloud moved away). But it is funny how you become a slave to things like your CD player, Computer (email), and now on Wednesday night's � the television.

OK, I don't feel one bit bad that I'm actually watching the new Star Trek series regularly. And I actually never have been a slave to my telephone. I'm more than happy to let my answering machine pick up the phone. Besides, the majority of the calls I get are telemarketers wanting to take my money.

But going for a walk in the dark is relaxing and something I can do my way. If something like another walker is in my path, I just cross the street. Cats will often come up and basically say, "Meow". (I believe that generally translates to, "Hey touch me now.")

Migratory Spiders

One of the unique things about Northern California is that every fall there is at least one spider species that reproduces right before winter. I can't imagine what spider sex is like, so I won't try. But I can tell you what they do after that. The spiders spin a long thin web into what basically is a sail. Normally every October (they are late this year) the prevailing winds change direction and pick up speed. This is what I affectionately call the "October North Wind". Immediately after this, the migratory spiders send their baby spiders out onto their spider wind sails and somehow they push them off into the steady, but no longer violent winds.

Evidence of the spider sails is seen on light posts, car antennas, trees, windowsills, chimneys, etc. Basically everything gets spider webbed.

But the coolest thing is the fact that the spiders migrate by using the wind.

Now this year the migration is late. Usually I notice that while walking outside that I get covered in these lofty webs earlier in the year. Obviously this means that winter will start late this year, but it still doesn't change the power of suddenly noticing that a small creature you never see, suddenly has come out and announced to the world that it is spreading.

I wish some of you could see these webs.

LISTENING TO: Stromkern Perfect Remix Bonus CD


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