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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-09-18 - 9:34 p.m.

Empty Airports

For those of you who haven't been to a large American airport yet, I had to take Cricket to SFO and put her on a plane to head back to the Netherlands tonight. SFO was a ghost town. The parking structure was empty. The departure screens were fairly small, but only had a few cancelations (heading to Mexico and South America). But there were so few people in SFO.

We ended up getting to the airport 4 hours early, because we were afraid that the security people would harass Cricket. Yeah, she is your typical goth girl, sporting a grommitted belt and steel-toed Doc Martin boots. =)

I toned down my own appearance so that if I had to talk to the security people they'd not overreact.

Gothic People Right Now

It is weird, but there is a backlash towards anybody not black or white in the US right now. Angry ignorant fuckers are going around and shooting or beating up Indians thinking they've just found some Aghani terrorist or something. The first problem is Aghanis aren't the problem, people who use innocent people to kill more innocent people are. You aren't born a terrorist.

The second problem is any fuck-wad who would think that just because somebody has dark skin is an Arab really needs to go back to school. In high school, in Texas of all places, we learned that many (not all) Indians are hindus. Hindus and Muslims are nothing alike. We also learned that those are religons, not "races". *shaking head*

OK, I'm well aware that anybody reading my diary knows this to. Generally the problem lies with people who can't read. The point being I am even more determined that there is a solution.

California needs to start running public service messages on discrimination and why it is stupid. We did similar things for our energy crisis in Jan and Feb. Why not do something that will actually save lives?

I'm going to see if Redwood or Stompy have ideas whom in the state I can contact about this. Stompy's boyfriend is a lobbist, and has political connections. I'm tried of the violence, and I think it is about time somebody starts doing something.

Besides, I'm convinced the people who don't learn in school, may pay attention to TV. Sad, but true.

LISTENING TO: Angels and Agony

Anyway, I'm not too worried about my gothic appearance, but I do worry about wearing my BDUs and Corcoran jump boots when walking through high security areas.

I miss Cricket! =(

She is a wonderful friend and so sweet. Last night at Deathguild I saw the Woman in the Red Dress from Sanctuary whom I was flirting with. I pointed her out to Cricket and said I'd go introduce myself. Cricket grinned and grabbed my hand and pulled me there before I could chicken out. Cricket stayed long enough to see that things were going well, and then disappeared.

The woman asked me if Cricket was my fiancee! =) I couldn't help but laugh, because from the outside, we probably look like that. We aren't physically affectionate, but we hug lots and are always so happy together. I told her that Cricket was my best friend and visiting from the Netherlands.

Damnit! Every guy needs a friend like her! Later that night the Woman in the Red Dress disappeared before I could get her my phone number (she asked for it). :) Cricket helped me look for her. At the end of the night, the Woman in the Red Dress returned and came up to me. There was some minor drama (not of the bad kind at all). And she wanted to come back to say goodnight!

How sweet! =) (In fact, I had so much girl attention at Deathguild last night, and this is in large part because I was a boy in a skirt and having one of the best times of my life.)

Anyway, Cricket and I walked the Woman in the Red Dress to her car. So on the way back, Cricket distracted the woman's friend so I could talk to her mostly alone. I thanked Cricket a billion times, but figured I'd share it here too.


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