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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-09-11 - 9:13 a.m.


I'm not very sorry, but instead of talking about sexy things, I'm going to talk about what I see around me. I believe an important part of a diary is as a recorded history, naturally that sometimes includes the little things and sometimes it should reflect how the big things effect us.

Last night I had a nightmare that my dad's sister died. This morning I woke up hearing the phone ring and apparently it was Bronco calling. Cricket of course was already up and talked to her. Apparently terrorists had hijacked several passenger planes and then flew them into several US high profile buildings.

I rarely dream of death of family members, and to have somebody like my aunt, whom I rarely see, but like die in my dreams makes me wonder.

Anyhow ...

Morning After Strike: Day 1

Cricket wasn't too phased at all. Her advisors are assholes (sorry Cricket, they are), so she was working on the computer to finish her dissertation edits.

My kid brother and father called. Both of them work in the financial district in San Francisco, so they were skipping out on work. I'm glad to hear that.

The bus was pretty full actually, but the freeway itself going to Sacramento this morning was empty. I watched an Amtrak train ride by on the interstate and it was nearly empty inside (which is unusual for the train).

The office is quiet, with most people staying at their desks either using the radios or reading articles on-line. When Redwood and I went upstairs for our morning juice we were the only two customers in the cafeteria.


I don't want to work in a dangerous place, and since my building is so close to the state capital there is a risk (small though). But I also believe that the point behind terrorism is to strike fear in people. If I were to stay at home, in a way I would only encourage future terrorists to use innocent people to fly into buildings. I don't want to do that.

It is sad, but in a way it is extremely important that I stay here today at work.


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