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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-07-30 - 4:12 p.m.

Dinos and Apes

OK, there will be some back entries coming next week, as lots of fun things have been going on, however, I figured I'd talk about Jurassic Park III and Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. Instead of going out this weekend I spent more quiet time.

Friday was can I be like Bronco and Cloud night, so I went through and organized my desk. Uh, this really meant I cleaned out my desk, filled bills (I save all within the past 5 years), and tossed out some crap. I just need to get more ambitious and get rid of more stuff.

Saturday I went down to my folks place. Well, the truth is I had tons of laundry, a few errands to run (which included getting a package mailed to Cricket), and wanted to hang with my brother Saturday. He was hardly around. ::sigh::

Instead, my dad wanted to see a movie, so I gave him a choice: (1) see a bunch of cool dinosaurs eat very mean people, or (2) see a bunch of apes crush a bunch of very confused people. :)

He didn't care, and knowing that I would get a chance to hang with Spring on Sunday, I optted to take him to the Dino film. Oh, I probably could have begged her to bear with the 5-year old I am and watch the Dino flick, but my dad and I saw the other two Jurassic Park films.

Spoilers -- Impossible!

Fortunately there are no spoilers for a film without a plot. So this is what I saw: 1.5 hours of people walking around a cool post-industrial set with Dinos of all shapes and sizes eating people.

You have to love a film where anybody who touches a gun meets a horrible death! I hate guns. They are argueably one of the worst inventions of human kind. Certainly they are the most abused. I just wish I could genetically engineer some Raptors to come by and eat anybody who is poking the barrels of their guns in my house. :p

Dino Review

Nice sets, cool reptiles. That was about it. I was afraid a few times, but looking back I should not have been.

Monkey Sex: No Spoilers, Really!

OK, Tim Burton and Danny Elfman rock. If you disagree with me ... just stick your head in a goth club and say that. See what happens. ;)

I never cared for the original Planet of the Apes. It looked like a post-holocaustic film meets a 1960s Western. That is just a look I never went for. 'sides the sex appeal was just such a tease ... half naked, but not truely naked cavewoman ... bah! Actually as a kid I never understood the sexual attraction between the female Ape and the main character.

Burton did something nice. I remember the original apes had crude rifles, while the Burton apes did not. In fact, you have to appreciate the fact that the Apes didn't really care for guns.

OK, there are spoilers for the film and I won't talk about them. Just go see the film.

Helena Bonham Carter rocked. Dood, I like an ape woman. Too bad. :p In fact, I loved the way the apes treated each other. I don't want to say how it is, because I want everybody to just see this film. But I will spoil one thing, apes have some of the best foreplay! =) I've decided one of the next times I have sex, I'm doing it monkey style. Monkey chicks rock ... ahhhh, it is all about having legs and knowing how to use them. Sex-Appeal!

Spring's Street

So after dinner and the movie, Spring and I went for a walk down Spring street. It is part of my Halloween walks. I love that she and I both love to go on long walks. Fortunately we were sober, so she only woke up about 10 households and I only mooned one nerd on his computer. Seriously.

Spring has an opera voice. We were curious how loud she is, and well, people 4 houses down came out their front doors to look at us and then locked their doors and windows while staring at us. Her voice is actually amazing! She somehow (without formal training) as learned pitch control not that dissimilar from what you do when you vibrado with a violin. I've heard her sing in the shower before and it was sweet, but this was something new about her I didn't know before.

It is so unfair. I wish her folks could give her fancy singing lessons and that she could pursue her art more.


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