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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-07-28 - 8:33 a.m.

Naked Wizards

Though I like naked people, especially naked women, I really don't care for wizards. You think I'm kidding, huh? Well, at work I refuse to go with my co-workers to this English pub on Friday's because there is a wizard there. OK, so his magic tricks involve lots of string, red balls, and cards, but he is a wizard.

What does that have to do with naked people? Nothing much, except for the fact that when I was a little kid my family was friends with a family of four boys. Frequently 3 of the boys would spend the night at my house, or myself and my kid brother would go to theirs.

2 of the boys were about my age, the youngest was my brothers, and the oldest was just too old. So he'd harass us.

Normally we'd swim, play Star Wars figures, play war, maybe a game or two, among other things. It was a blast. Though I remember while playing Star Wars, the oldest brother (if we were at his house) would take Greedo and then run around kissing everybody with the figure. Um, Greedo is the green guy from Star Wars that has kissy lips.


Naturally at this age we all hated kisses and anything remotely "girl". So Greedo pissed us all off (which is exactly what this older kid was trying to do). It usually took three of us to take him down, but we'd try and try.

Blech! Cooties! :p

The other interesting thing was that when it was time for baths for the younger kids (my brother and his friend) they would get naked right in front of everybody, and then we'd scream "Naked Wizards!" We'd point and laugh and run away from them, then they'd chase us (which would piss off our mothers who really just wanted to bath them).

They were under 5 years old, so naked kids were OK.

So why was I (and my friends) ashamed of naked people? I dunno. I guess it is something that is programmed into little kids. Naked = Bad. Just because people are naked does not mean they are having sex. Hell, there are several nude photos of me, all of them were taken when there was no sex involved at all. But it could easily be a fear about becoming a pedaphile, which there seem to be too many in the United States.

Where do this people come from? Now that I'm getting older and mature I don't find my sex drive decreasing. If anything it is increasing, but I find myself attractive to women, in large part because sex is about fun. Why would an adult find an attraction to a child? This is something I still don't understand? Dood, everybody knows that virgins just aren't as good at sex, and I'm assuming that is what is going through their heads.

It took me years to get over this. Oh, seeing naked women in a movie, porno, or magazine was cool. ;) But without a doubt I grew up with your stereotypical Texas homophobia. Not that I cared about it much, but I was uncomfortable seeing naked men, including little boys, who really aren't men at all.

Return of the Naked Wizard

So last Saturday I went to my boss's boss's pool party. I got there intentionally over an hour late so I wouldn't be the first one. I was. Damn! :p

Anyway I didn't swim ... I don't swim. I don't like it, or rather water. Besides, the sun in SACTO is incredibly hot and I've got that pale goth thing going. ;) Oh I mean ... "boo!".

At the party I was talking with a very high up (and conservative) engineer, when all of a sudden he said, "Wow, this party is starting early. People are so drunk they are getting naked." He pointed to this 4 year old that stripped naked. Another naked wizard.

That kid was the only one to get naked. Now we thought he'd get in the pool, a good reason to get naked, right? Nope. Instead this kid ran around free balling and would run right up to strangers, including me, and wrap himself around our legs while trying to get around us. I have no idea why he was running around, but it was amazingly disturbing to have a little kid's wee-wee flying into your leg. For a second I was afraid he'd start to hump my leg like a little dog or something.

Why did this bother me? Well, I believe it is that fear of being a pedaphile. I'm totally serious when I say my sex drive has really increased (I'm blaming Shells for that). ;) But I really don't think of co-workers that way, and I don't think of kids. There was no spark when that naked kid was running around, but the fear was still there.

I guess I've still got too much Texas programming left. :/

Music and DJs

Ha, this week I finished a mix CD for Shells, and I must say it is one of my best! The transitions from songs are perfect. It is so fun making mixes, as I can usually find songs that work well with each other and flow into yet others. Shells is learning to be a DJ (in fact she is spinning next Wednesday and if I wasn't going to be at the Depeche Mode concert I'd be with her), but I hope she can teach me to spin.

I'll never be a popular DJ though, because I'd like to avoid spinning the gothic top 40. The difference is I want to DJ, but I don't want people to think of me as a DJ. That is the DJ trap.

There are some incredibly DJs out there, but they all (with some exceptions) begin to become less skilled the more and more they focus on being treated and known as a DJ. It really is difficult, because for so many people it is a status thing. The few DJs that aren't into status have to be just as pushy, and in doing so, they begin to loose sight.


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