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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-06-22 - 4:01 p.m.

Purist -vs- the Animal

Gawds I had no idea about how many Star Wars figures I had bought over the years! I've spent two nights this week just matching up figures to their guns and then tossing them in those plastic coffins that they'll probably end up spending years locked inside. But they'll last forever this way.

While buying a Rubbermaid crate to keep most of them in somebody tried to sneak out of Walmart while shop lifting. Basically it works like this: you put something in your shirt or pocket. Wait until there are about 4 or more people going through the security doors. When the alarm screams, "Warning you have activiated the Walmart Security Alert!" you just stare at one of the people who actually bought something and has a bag.

The 80 year old security guards will think to have the person with the bag step back (this was me yesterday) and search their bag. When they find that everything in your bag matches everything on your receipt they'll look you over and say, "Well, I guess it was one of those other people."

At least they have a sense of humour about it. :)

I spent most of these past two nights watching old Star Trek videos while cleaning and packing in my apartment. For some reason putting things into order makes me feel good. It is strangely relaxing.

I'll call that part of me the purist.

the Animal

Today while away at lunch the Russian girl phoned me. She has called me and emailed me about once a month for the past year. I wasn't exactly avoiding her, but I was purposefully keeping some distance. At first it was because I was busy. She always wants to do something on weekends, and I'm usually in the Bay Area.

And the things she likes to do are going and eating fish. BLECK! Or going to a Ren-Fair event. Or going to an asumement park.

Nothing wrong with any of that. It just isn't me. I will watch some movies, but not many. Instead I like to go to music events or hike around foggy fields with goth girls and candle light. ;)

Anyway, while I just have never felt there was much in common with the Russian girl, I do have a very strong physical attraction to her. Is she hot? Well, in a way that I like, yes. She has legs that could probably crush even some of the strongest dancers I've met. *yummy*

This is the animal. For some reason I'm a bit ashamed that I don't want to spend time with her, but if she were to want to just fool around, I have this feeling it would be a blast.

What is strange is I've told people that I have to know them and be comfortable with them in order to be intimate. I still believe this to be true. But I certainly have a few (just a few) fantasies of rubbing my body on a hot naked girl.

Anyway, I called her back and chatted for a few minutes this afternoon. I'll make a point to call her in the middle of the week and hang out.

I can understand that she likes me and is interested in me, but it seems (and I respect it) that she wants to hang out with me when other people are around. But she has in the past invited herself to my apartment ... yeah we both just lied on top of each other talking for hours.

The problem that time (last year) was she is 100% monogomous, and I'm not. Today she talked about her boyfriend in Africa for a minute. OK, whatever. I'm not offended when women talk about their lovers, but I can't help but wonder why with so many interesting things to talk about they talk to me about their lovers. I'm not attracted to these guys, and many times I've never seen them. While I'm interesting in listening to friends talk about the important things in their lives, I worry a bit when a person talks more about other people than themselves.

I've been there. I've done that. How interesting am I if all I talk about is the women I spend time with (hahaha, yeah it is a short list anyways).

Double Standard

Of course I do have a double standard here. I do like to hear about people who talk about all their friends. As in friends of both genders. I'll pick on my sister. She has lots of friends and has good and bad things to say about both her male and female friends. And actually it is nice, I actually like listening to my sister's stories. Though I hate it when she starts to pry ... but that is because she is judgemental. :p

Anyway I'll call the Russian girl again. I have borrowed one of her books for months now, and she certainly is somebody I can hang out with ... I just don't want to meet a bunch of other people.

People who know me swear I'm a people person. Bah! That is what it might seem like, but I perfer smaller groups.


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