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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2005-03-09 - 5:26 p.m.

Work Problems

It has been some time since I've actually had the time to spare to write out an entry in my diary. It isn't that I've given up on my diary, but rather that only recently have I realized just how much more work I'm being assigned than other staff.

It just isn't fair. Three high profile projects have been assigned to me, and I've become resentful that I'm doing more work as a "Water Resource Engineer" and for less pay than several of our "Senior Engineers" and one of our "Operations Research Specialists". What is more disturbing is that I'll be soon loosing my window office, and he'll be keeping is.

I very much feel under appreciated. I make less, I'm treated lesser than him, and I do more.

In the next few months I'm looking at seriously leaving my group. The sad thing is I like many of the people and enjoy the work. I also feel that I've brought up my complaints and nothing is being done.

I'm bitter, and I just feel that it may be time for me to seriously reconsider my professional path.

At my annual conference at Asilomar, it was brought to my attention that another water district is concerned and vaguely aware of this. I'm seriously considering giving them a phone call and asking if they might start considering creating a new position.

For the most part, I've enjoyed working for the state, but it simply isn't fair that I do three times the work of others, but that they are given their window offices and more pay. It really isn't fair at all.

I don't think my leaving will help the others that are still left behind. It is just that I can't help but feel that perhaps I need to recognize that others are interested in my skills and are willing to respect those skills.

The bottom line is I have much to seriously think about. I will and I'll keep a positive outlook that perhaps whatever decision I make, while not easy, will be the best for me.


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