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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2003-05-23 - 1:32 p.m.

E Chu Ta

If you know what this means, +10 rivet points for you. If you don't, maybe this will help:

Contour: He says the scouts are going to show us the quickest way to the shield generator.
World: Good. How far is it? Ask him.
Contour turns to ask Chief Chirpa.
World: We need some fresh supplies too.
Contour turns to ask Chief Chirpa again.
World: And try to get our weapons back.
Contour turns to ask Chief Chirpa again.
World: And hurry up, will ya? We haven't got all day.

For the past few days I've had zero time to breathe. Fortunately I don't need to. But the stream of people and questions during work hours has been amazing. The odd part of this is that most of my work has been automated. Or at least it feels that way to me. But I've buried readme.txt files in all of the directories where I have work in anticipation of people having questions while I'm away.

I've learned that I'm the type of person that likes to just do his own work uninterrupted. Of course I'll interrupt others when I have questions, but I don't like it. But sadly with all of the interruptions in the past week, I've been unable to finish one of my projects. At least I know I'm going to be missed.


I've got most all of your addresses, even if I've not had time to reply. Now I just need to find postcards that match each of your bizarre personalities while in Europe. Don't worry, I'm not the type that likes to send postcards of well endowed blonde women on the beach. Not because I have a problem with breasts, those things are actually pretty cool. It is the beach thing that bugs me (that and I'm not into blondes). But naturally should I run across a postcard of a raven haired girl in a blue Victorian dress tied to train tracks *drool*, well I just wouldn't be very evil if I didn't share that card with the world. Let's just call that fantasy number 38.

LISTENING TO: Love is Colder Than Death Mental Traveller


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One Soul