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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-11-13 - 9:05 a.m.

Rail Sounds

Yesterday Episode II was released. [NOTE: If you don't know what "Episode II" is, then I cannot help you. I do not know how to help you. Reading my diary is probably like reading French, huh?] After work, I hitched a ride with Redwood and we both bought Episode II, though my copy is for my brother.

I want a copy myself, but my birthday is right after Thanksgiving and I figured I wouldn't buy it so my family could get it for me. They complain that I'm hard to buy things for, and yet every year I give them a huge 1-2 page list of things I want. This year is full of DVDs, which are easy to find.

I gave up asking my family for music since they really don't like my taste in music. My brother listens to Sinatra. My parents Natalie Cole. Last I checked, my sister was into Cake.

Anyway, having a Thanksgiving birthday is fine, as all the new videos and toys are always on the market in time for my birthday. But I make a point to not buy anything for myself until after Dec. 2.

One would think that my family would be the same way about DVDs. They aren't. I blame Wolfsheim for my family making things difficult for me (don't ask). I bought my brother SpiderMan and Episode I, when his girlfriend (Tiger), came back and told me that Target was having a sale where you could get Episode I and II for cheap. I returned Episode I to Fry's Electronics in exchange for E.T. for my mom. Cool, my Christmas shopping was nearly done. Then when I told Tiger and my brother about my E.T. purchase (my mom loves the film), they told me she just bought it for herself.


Don't you think we'd take care of you? Are you even going to watch it? I think it is going to end up in that stack of unopened DVDs you are collecting that sits behind Dad's John Wayne videos (he at least watches all of his videos). *thunk* Yeah, my family is like that.

So the Train

After getting Episode II (minus Episode I which is now sold out), I drove to Kinko's. Living in a small college town has its advantages. At 10 PM there was a California Northern freight train doing some switching, so I had to sit at an intersection for about 5 minutes. Instead of sitting and listening to music, I turned off my stereo and rolled down the windows of my car. Cold night air and the sound of metal on metal came streaming in. I love rail sounds. When I die I want some of my ashes thrown on a short line railroad ... so I can haunt it.

The Kinko's trip was so I could send a fax to a fashion store in Berlin: X-tra-X. I found the store and the world's second best boots while there in October. At the time they were out of my size for their ranger high boots (20 eyelets and buckles), but they've restocked. I was sending them my passport and credit card.

On my way out I overheard two guys talking about me. "Yeah, Gary Oldman. You know, the bad guy from the Fifth Element." Now I don't think I look like him, but enough goth girls swear I do. Apparently Kinko's employees agree. *sigh*

LISTENING TO: Project Pitchfork Inferno


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