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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2002-07-01 - 9:04 a.m.

An 80s Weekend

Friday night I ended up hanging with Redwood and Newwave at the 80s club Europa (basically Velocity, but it was an 80s format and some of the people were different). We had changed the R.I.V.E.T. game cards so that the game would only be 80s music. I�m glad we did, as that was pretty much all that was played (plus a few Duran Duran and Depeche Mode songs from the mid-1990s). I�m not sure if the DJs were playing the mid-1990s stuff 'cause they thought it was 80s, or if they were really just sticking to a New Wave format.

I ended up dancing to something between 5 and 10 songs, which considering how physically weak I am these days is a lot for me. The good news is that the weekend after this, instead of hurting in my groin, it is my legs that are sore. Basically I feel like I had been stair climbing or running.

Work Out?

People use the excuse that dancing is like exercising. But watching many people dance and doing it myself I�m not convinced that stepping every other beat and waving your hands around in the air is really exercise. If people want to really exercise they should go on a couple mile jog every other night. Dancing is fun, not exercise.

Now if you are weak and feeble like I am right now, your body will get some exercise, but the process of dancing was not "Hey, I�m going to get in shape by dancing to 5 songs tonight." It was, "Hey, I like the music and will move � wow, look at that, my legs are sore, damn, I�m a softie!"

That said, I�m not surprised that 4+ months of inactivity have destroyed my body. I�m just glad that I�m able to move again to music and not be in terrible pain. OK, there is some groin pain today, but each week I push my further and the pain afterwards is less.


My brother and Redwood came over on Saturday and we played this new game called HeroClix. Basically it is the super hero version of Mage Knight, but it reminds me a lot more of the old Marvel SuperHeroes game I played as a kid � back in the 80s.

It was fun to play, but Redwood and I got into a really stupid argument. He is a dear friend and I really hate arguing with him about games. I�m just not somebody who really respects rules � ha, I guess there is some punk in me after all. I understand that to play a game that there have to be rules, but in basketball (a sport I despise), football, and hockey, the skill in an athlete is measured by how well they can bend the rules to their advantage. Again, I don�t really like playing or watching these sports, as so many of these athletes come off as drama queens and cry babies. Baseball is slower, but baseball fans get really put off when a baseball player starts playing drama queen after he gets a pitch he didn�t like. The funny thing is in basketball, football, and hockey, the players aren�t supposed to beat the crap out of each other, but they do. It isn�t that I care about the rule, but I just fail to get excited about a sport where part of the idea is to physically hurt your opponent. My point here, is rules are guidelines (to me). If a rule is stupid, I�ll ignore it. If an action is �legal� but again stupid, I�ll ignore doing something that doesn�t make sense.

Anyway, I like playing games, but I actually hate debating and arguing. Games are fun, when you are playing the game, but while this super hero game is fun, there are times I would rather just watch a movie instead. I hope Redwood isn�t too upset about how I can�t share his point of view on the rules. I�m sure he thinks I�m not listening to his arguments, but I did hear them, and they just didn�t make sense to me.

LISTENING TO: the Fixx Greatest Hits: One Thing Leads to Another

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