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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2000-09-20 - 01:12:43

Hmmm, this didn't seem to accept my other entry.

It was so long too ... and I hate to revisit that stuff (though it was kinda important).

I'll make this short to see whatsup.

Friday ... at work I've been updating the new web page to have this year's annual report. This would be great and I'd point all my friends and family to the web site, but it isn't public access yet. Why? It has to be approved, they are so freaking slow it really sucks. I have some other ideas, but generally I have to do things, I just can't communicate my ideas first.

Friday night I went to my folks. I already explained how it is nice, but also stressful.

I stopped by Rasputin's in Pleasant Hill. Some rivethead needed money and he/she liquidated their collection. Part of me wonders if it was Bunny's old boy friend, he lives out here.

It is kinda good for me when there are cheap industrial CDs, but I still can't help why somebody would sell their CDs. I guess people's tastes change. Hmmm, mine have, otherwise I'd wear the same stuff I did in college and hang with the same people ... heck, I wonder if I'd have moved to Norway (again another story).

Well, I found some cool CDs ... I bought more Saturday at Aomemba Records in Berkeley as well as that Rasputins. I met the Davis Rivet Kids. I was surprised to find out they are 25 years old. I figured them to be 21. They thought I was about 25 as well. Funny how that works.

I talked with Zima and her BF for what must have been an hour. Zima wanted me to join them for dinner. I should have, but I was expecting a phone call from Spring. She did call and I enjoyed that, but I need to hang some more with Zima.

She is super nice. Her BF is nice to me, but only because he thinks I'm some rivethead. I'm way more kid. He knows so much about experimental music (his thing) that I'm afraid to talk around him. Zima OTOH is easy to get along with.

Next time.

So class on Saturday. I'm in the part of Oakland that has a fence and guard around the parking lot and security in the building. Wrong side of the tracks actually.

3 of the 70 or so students drive brand new VW bugs. All of them red. :( There was a mod girl engineer, obviously one of the VW drivers. One hick guy said, "You have blue hair ... um, that was stupid, you probably already know that." He was trying to be nice, but it is funny how my light blue hair (it looks gray according to Redwood) affects people.

The class left me thinking about school again. I miss being a student. If I didn't need to get a job because of my father, I would have studied economics as a PhD student. I really want to go into history or some sort of optimization field of study. I figure I'll work till my father retires, then I'll do whatever I want with my life.

As an undergrad I didn't get into relationships because I knew I would be leaving Texas.

As a grad student nobody really interested me accept Lomerana, from Norway. Beyond that I'm finding it is pretty hard for me to become interested in people. This is a problem.

I wonder if maybe after I get my PE if I should apply to firms in Seattle. It would get me away from my family, which might be a good thing. And I don't have too many ties here. Sure I have friends, but I see them all going their own ways and leaving me behind.

OTOH, moving to Oakland is still far enough away. My sister lives in SF, but spends all her time with my folks. Close nit family I guess. Except for me, I still like my family, but they aren't me exactly.


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One Soul