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A Ghost In My Past.
Image by Phil Foglio.
Afraid?  I sure am!
Corcoran Jump Boot.

Mapping the Soul of a Spirit That Won't Quit

2001-10-21 - 8:52 a.m.

Stolen License Plate Holder

I've mentioned before that one of the things that bugs me is when people who don't own cars tell you how to take care of your car. Usually it comes in the form of, "Hey give your car a bath." What many San Francisco city kids don't understand is that in Davis (farm country) that dust is a major problem.

If they were commanding my time, I'd be washing my car all the time.

This of course means when a car out here is washed, people notice it.

Last Thursday I took my 2000 Mustang into the local Ford dealership for its 30,000 mile warranty engine flush. Better know as the let's fleece the owner out of $400 flush. :( OK, it had to be done. I'm not going to invalidate my warranty and I actually knew it maintence is a large part of automobile ownership.

Funny things: (1) the dealership washed my car after working on it, and (2) they stole my license plate holder! Typically deaerships have their own license plate holders. Well, one of the mechanics didn't like the fact that my Mustang still had the plate holders from the dealership where I bought my car instead of theirs.

I didn't notice the switch until I was out with Alexandra and Redwood on Friday night. Ho hum. :/

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